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Support for developing audit questions and methodologies

The Making Safeguarding Personal Outcomes framework report (May 2018) underlines the importance of including qualitative information in developing an understanding the difference that safeguarding support makes for people.

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Making Safeguarding Personal Outcomes framework report

The Making Safeguarding Personal Outcomes framework report (May 2018) underlines the importance of including qualitative information in developing an understanding the difference that safeguarding support makes for people. The report refers to the significance of case file audit within this.

Audit tools and guidance

Some examples of case file audit tools and guidance/methodologies are offered here. These have been shared by local authorities/Safeguarding Adults Boards where they might support others in developing audit methodologies.

The audit tools provide a range of approaches and strengths. They are shared in the spirit of mutual support with each offering support and ideas to those developing or revisiting approaches to audit. Each acknowledges the need to continually review and update the approach/tool as it is used in practice. They do not profess to offer perfection, rather a range of different approaches at varying levels of detail and some more specific to MSP than others.

Building confidence in what constitutes a safeguarding concern and carrying out safeguarding enquiries survey

To support work on building confidence in what constitutes a safeguarding concern and carrying out safeguarding enquiries, we are asking Safeguarding Adult Board managers or chairs to complete this short Google survey on Building confidence in what constitutes a safeguarding concern and carrying out safeguarding enquiries.