Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Early years education funding - House of Commons, 21 July 2021

Good quality early education makes a difference to children’s lives. Pre-school has almost as much impact on a child’s education achievement as primary school does – and the impact is even greater for those at risk of developing learning difficulties. Recent policy changes have extended the reach of early education to more children and for longer. They have also supported more parents into work, or to work more hours.

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View allEarly Years articles

Priorities for COP26, House of Commons, 22 July 2021

Local government plays a leading role in accelerating the shift towards achieving net zero carbon. With nearly two thirds of councils in England aiming to be carbon neutral 20 years before the national target, councils are well placed to support Government to meet its net zero carbon ambitions by 2050.

Support for unpaid carers and Carers Week 2021 - House of Commons, 22 July 2021

COVID-19 has put adult social care firmly in the public, political and media spotlight. This emergency has highlighted the essential value of social care to the wider public and this interest needs to be harnessed in the debate about the future of care and support. Long-term reform is urgently needed and we are calling on the Government to set out its thinking before the summer recess.

View allAdult social care articles

The future of the planning system and the upcoming Planning Bill , House of Commons, 15 July 2021

The LGA continues to campaign for a locally led planning system and this is particularly important as we rebuild and recover from COVID-19.

Developing a cross-Government strategy for improving outcomes for children and families

We are calling for a cross-Government strategy for children and young people to ensure they are at the heart of the national recovery and can thrive, no matter where they are from or their background.

View allChildren and young people articles

LGA Response to Consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England

The LGA welcomes the opportunity to continue to contribute to the consultations on resources and waste reforms, first set out in the Government’s Resources and Waste Strategy.

Environment Bill , Committee Stage, House of Lords, 5 July 2021

Local government wants to see measures that reduce the amount of unnecessary and unrecyclable material becoming an issue in the first place.

Measures to support education recovery, House of Commons, 29 June 2021

It is vital that vulnerable children, who have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, are the focus of this programme of work. In their role as leaders of local education systems, councils can bring together partners, join up local efforts to promote education recovery.

View allEducation and schools articles

Debate on promoting tourism in the UK, House of Lords, 24 June 2021

In order to contribute most effectively, councils need earlier involvement in decisions at a national strategic level, and local government should also have representation on longer-term bodies like the Tourism Industry Council.

Debate on social care provision in the UK and the role of carers in that provision, House of Lords, 24 June 2021

Over the past decade, adult social care cost pressures have increased by £8.5 billion and total funding has increased by £2.4 billion. This has meant a gap of £6.1 billion needed to be managed.

View allAdult social care articles

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Cllr Helen Belcher OBE on how her constituents are her priority 👇 “Being a fairly prominent trans woman means I do…

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