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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Economic Activity of Public Bodies (overseas matters) Bill, Report Stage, 25 October 2023

The Bill seeks to remove the possibility for public bodies, including councils, to campaign against, boycott, seek divestment from, or sanction a particular territory internationally, unless endorsed by the Government’s own foreign policy.

Review of section 75 arrangements: Local Government Association response

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the scope and effectiveness of section 75 arrangements. We have chosen not to answer all 30 specific questions included in the supporting document to the call for evidence. Instead, the high-level views of the LGA about the scope and effectiveness of section 75 financial flexibilities are summarised in paragraphs 5 – 19.

View allAdult social care articles

LGA submission to Government's consultation on Heat Networks regulation: consumer protection, 27 October 2023

Around 50 per cent of heat network customers in the UK are living in social housing , including council housing. It is critical that councils’ experiences and concerns about heat networks are taken fully into account as regulation is developed to make sure it works for those it is trying to support.

Technical adjustments to the Business Rates Retention System in response to the Non-Domestic Rating Bill

This response has been agreed by Lead Members of the LGA Economy and Resources Board.

Safe and Legal Routes Cap Consultation

The Home Office is consulting with councils on a cap on safe and legal routes to the UK with a deadline of 15 December. Please read some views from the LGA to inform responses.

Renters’ Reform Bill, Committee Stage, House of Commons, 7 November 2023

The LGA welcomes the long-awaited Renters’ Reform Bill which introduces a range of reforms to achieve this, including abolishing unfair Section 21 'no fault' evictions; ending the system of assured shorthold tenancies; creating a new register of PRS landlords and property portal to improve data on the PRS and drive up standards across the sector; and establishing an Ombudsman for the PRS to help tenants and landlords to resolve disputes.

King's Speech 2023: On-The-Day Briefing

On 7 November His Majesty The King set out the Government’s agenda for the next Parliamentary session. This briefing details the new Bills of relevance to local government and outlines our local government priorities.

Autumn Statement - 22 November 2023

This briefing sets out the acute financial pressure councils face, and the steps we feel the Government needs to take to address this situation. We provide detail on three key areas of council activity that are experiencing sharp financial and/or demand pressures: adult social care and winter pressures; children’s services; and housing and homelessness services.

Renters’ Reform Bill, Committee Stage amendments, House of Commons, 15 October 2023

This briefing provides the LGA view on relevant amendments tabled by the Government on 15 November.

View allHousing and planning articles

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Cllr Helen Belcher OBE on how her constituents are her priority 👇 “Being a fairly prominent trans woman means I do…

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