Peer led leadership reviews for adult social care senior management teams to review adult social care leadership capacity.
Leadership Essentials programme for political leaders in driving forward local priorities, looking at the role of health and wellbeing boards and other system, place and neighbourhood partnerships.
When Worlds Collaborate workshops at place/system level to understand the organisational differences in local government and health including how financial decisions are made.
Peer to peer coaching and mentoring for officer and political leadership of health, care, wellbeing to strengthen leadership to drive local priorities.
Facilitated sessions for regional/sub regional adult social care and health and wellbeing elected members to maximise opportunities for innovation and shared learning.
Workshops for elected members from upper tier councils to raise awareness of adult social care including policy and local contexts.
Workshops for health and wellbeing boards to strengthen partnership and collaborative working to deliver place and system level priorities and tackle health inequalities.
Support frontline staff to prepare for CQC assessment workshops; support offer to each council as it is chosen for CQC assessment.
Targeted support to councils facing the most significant financial pressures within adult social care.
Major financial reviews including a narrative use of resources report which lead to a feedback session with the council and the discussion of next step.
For some councils, a narrative use of resources report and feedback session may suffice.
Support for directors of public health and their teams to complete and respond to the public health strengths and risks self-assessment to identify areas for action and improvement at a council and regional level.
Facilitated workshops for councils to consider and implement a Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach.
Prevention Matters training for all councillors to look at their roles and responsibilities in relation to health inequalities and the wider determinants of health, with a focus on action planning at ward level.
Public Health Peer Challenge examining opportunities and challenges to drive forward public health priorities and tackle health inequalities at system and place level.
Tailored support to councils working with council leadership teams to tackle specific public health challenges with a focus on gaining a shared understanding of the actions and priorities for improvement.
Support to the ADPH regional networks in implementation of regional improvement priorities.
Direct support to councils through WGLL for digital to support councils to improve their digital maturity through development of clear digital strategy or digital improvement plans.
Provide support to regions to enable benchmarking through regional completion of the WGLL self-assessment tool and support regions to have clear digital improvement priorities.