25 years of the LGA

A quarter of century of the LGA making the case for councils and local communities.

In 2022, we are celebrating 25 years of the LGA supporting local government.

Over that time we have secured some major reforms for councils and the communities they serve, ​​​​​and speaking with one voice, we have helped influence successive governments, successfully making the case for devolution of further powers to councils.

Through our work we have seen responsibilities for public health return to local government; the removal of the Housing Revenue Account, helping councils build more homes; and have helped to ensure councils are fully supported to guide their communities through tough times. We have seen councils step up and lead their communities through the pandemic, working with Government to save lives and livelihoods.

Watch the video below to look back across the last quarter of a century, guided by key pillars in local government history.

Everyone connected to the LGA – past and present – should be proud of these achievements. But as we look back and celebrate our progress, we need to look forward to some of the current challenges as well as the medium term and longer issues facing councils.