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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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LGA responds to latest Government house-building figures

“Although any increase in the number of homes is a positive step, it really is essential we get towards the Government’s own target of 300,000 new homes, of all types and tenure, a year, if we’re to tackle our national housing shortage."


LGA responds to NICE guidance encouraging people to be more active

Cllr Martin Tett, the Local Government Association’s Transport spokesman, responds to guidance published today by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, calling for councils to encourage people to be more active.

View allTransport articles
View allPublic health articles

LGA responds to latest Sport England survey about sport and physical activity levels

Councils are full of ideas to support people to be active, including holistic approaches such as planning and designing our areas to make them easier to navigate on foot or by bike, for example, instead of just expecting our residents to attend leisure centres and gyms.

Woman alone in the street

LGA responds to National Crime Agency figures on modern slavery

"Councils are determined to protect children in their communities, but with essential children’s services expected to experience a £2 billion funding gap by 2020, they face real challenges."

View allCommunity safety articles

LGA responds to Independent Age report on older private renters

"With housing for elderly people currently accounting for just 6 per cent of our existing stock, and more older people and families renting privately than ever before, there needs to be a national focus on tackling a chronic shortage of homes suitable to support our ageing population and reforms that will maintain and improve housing standards."

View allAdult social care articles

LGA responds to government measures on plastic recycling

Cllr Martin Tett, Local Government Association Environment spokesman, responds to the Government’s proposals to increase plastic recycling, including a deposit scheme for plastic bottles.


LGA responds to announcement of multi-year funding plan for the NHS

It’s good to see long-term investment in the NHS, but government also needs to make the same commitment to adult social care which deserves to be given parity with the health service.


LGA response to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee's report on the Government's draft Tenant Fees Bill

"The cap on holding deposits will bring much-needed clarity for the private rented sector. Excessive fees are a concern for tenants and councils, as they hamper access to the market and put pressures on other tenures, such as social or supported housing."

photo of young man looking at the city below

LGA responds to Serious Violence Strategy

“Only with the right funding and powers can councils continue to make a difference to people’s lives by supporting families and young people and help tackle serious violent crime in our local communities.”

View allCommunity safety articles

LGA responds to ONS report on loneliness

"The harm loneliness can cause, both physically and mentally, can be devastating to people of all ages - it is a serious public health concern which studies suggest can be as harmful as smoking 15 cigarettes a day."