
The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Average street in the UK featuring a number of houses and some cars

‘Councils best placed to make decisions with communities’ – LGA on Low Traffic Neighbourhoods review

“Councils are on the side of all road users and residents, and are working hard to tackle congestion, make our air cleaner and improve the quality of life in their communities.  We want to work with government to achieve this."

View allTransport articles
Children and a female adult sitting in a circle inside a library. The adult is reading to the children.

Additional funding needed for children’s social care – LGA on Family’s First for Children programme

We remain concerned that additional funding for children’s social care reform is significantly lower than that recommended by the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care.

View allChildren and young people articles

LGA responds to Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman annual review

“We are pleased to see the recognition of the great results from councils who have adapted their services based on recommendations, and it is positive that in 99.3 per cent of cases councils are implementing recommendations made."

Police officer driving motorbike

LGA: National Partnership Policing Agreement being rolled out too quickly 

"We are concerned that this is being rolled out too quickly, with inadequate local engagement meaning that other agencies risk being unable to pick up any increases in demand for their services."

View allCommunity safety articles

Another year of excessive packaging – LGA on delay to EPR

“It is crucial now that government, industry and councils all put the foot to the floor in planning full implementation from 2025, and that Government extend EPR to cover other material types beyond just packaging.”

Carpenter Training Male Apprentice using a saw

‘Radical shift needed’: LGA responds to Future of Employment Support interim report

We need a radical shift in the top-down, centralised approach we use to match people with jobs and this interim report’s findings are a positive first step towards achieving this

View allEmployment and skills articles
block of semi detached red bricked houses

LGA responds to Government housing announcement

Further expanding permitted development rights risks creating poor quality residential environments that negatively impact people’s health and wellbeing.

Tractor on top of a huge pile of rubbish

Councils call for ban of disposable vapes

Single use vapes, such as Elf bars and Lost Mary should be banned on environmental and health grounds, councils say for the first time today.

An adult woman helping an elderly to stand from his bed

Social care workforce plan needed - LGA on Skills for Care report

“While it is positive to see the size of the social care workforce increasing, we know that issues remain with a huge number of vacancies unfilled."


New powers do not go far enough - LGA on increased fines for litter, graffiti and fly-tipping

“Councils want courts to look at fly-tipping as an offence first, rather than at the individual and their ability to pay, as well as more use of suspended sentences, or custodial sentences for anyone convicted of a second fly-tipping offence."