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Where something has gone wrong, your feedback helps us to put things right and improve our service.
How to make a complaint
About us
- The Local Government Association (LGA) is the national membership body for councils in England and Wales. As the voice of local government, we exist to promote, support and improve councils in England and Wales.
- We understand that on occasions we may fall short of the high standards we set. Where something has gone wrong, feedback helps us to put things right and improve our service. We also value feedback when something or someone has worked particularly well.
When you can complain
You can complain to us if:
- a service that you have received from us has not met our published standards
- we have given inaccurate advice or information
- the conduct of one of our staff or an LGA elected member or other person appointed to a formal LGA role in the course of their work for and on behalf of the LGA has fallen below the standards set out in the relevant code of conduct.
You must send your complaint to us within three months of the alleged issue or incident. We may exceptionally consider older complaints on a case-by-case basis.
If your complaint includes an allegation of a criminal offence, you must report this directly to the police.
What we cannot investigate
We cannot investigate complaints about:
- council services or decisions – each council has its own complaints procedure which you can find on their website
- council officers or councillors, unless it relates to work that they are doing for and on behalf of the LGA
- investigations into complaints that have already been investigated and concluded in line with this policy
- Freedom of Information or Data Protection requests that are subject to a separate procedure.
What to do if you have a complaint
Complaints against LGA staff and services
If you have a complaint about a service you have received, or about the conduct of an LGA employee on LGA business, you should:
- Speak to the individual you have been dealing with or contact them via our confidential complaints line [email protected]. They may be able to resolve your complaint quickly.
- If you prefer not to deal with the individual, you may instead ask for your complaint to be forwarded to their line manager for a response.
We aim to reply within 20 working days of receiving your complaint. Where we need more time – for example to interview witnesses – we will let you know when we expect to respond in full.
If you are dissatisfied with the reply you should email [email protected] to ask for your complaint to be escalated to a senior officer. They will assess your complaint and send their response in writing within 20 working days. Their decision is final and there is no further right of appeal.
Complaints against LGA political and independent appointees
“LGA political and independent appointees” include:
- serving councillors elected or appointed to a formal LGA role
- independent appointees to a LGA board or committee
- former councillors undertaking peer work on behalf of the LGA.
If you have a complaint against an LGA political or independent appointee role in the course of their work for and on behalf of the LGA, you should submit it by email to [email protected].
If your complaint falls within our policy, a senior LGA officer will be appointed to investigate. They may interview or seek written representation from you as the complainant, the person against whom the complaint has been made and any witnesses to the allegation(s).
The investigating officer will present their report and recommendations to the LGA’s Audit and Risk Assurance Committee. The Committee’s decision is final. The investigating officer will notify you about the outcome of the investigation.
Complaints against the LGA President or vice president
- The LGA President and vice presidents are Members of Parliament, Peers or Welsh Assembly Members. All are required to operate in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament/Members of the House of Lords/Welsh Assembly Members.
- If you have a complaint against the LGA president or vice presidents in the course of their work for the LGA, you should submit your complaint by emailing [email protected].
- Your complaint will be assessed and if it falls within our policy will be independently investigated through the appropriate channel. Once complete you will be notified about the outcome of the investigation.