This project looked to build upon the success of the council’s internal data matching by developing analytical tests that can run against all of the council’s systems to detect potentially erroneous or suspicious transactions.
The aim of the project was to maximise the effectiveness of internal audit and target proactive fraud investigation resource.
Issues, challenges and barriers
- obtaining the data from the source systems; and
- filtering the anomalies identified in order to target investigation resource.
Outputs and outcomes
- the development of data extraction routines and tests that be run on a regular basis to identify potential anomalies; and
- analytical techniques embedded within audit and investigation methodologies.
Exceptions have been identified and resolved before financial loss has occurred, for example when payroll had not been notified that employees were due to leave.
Size of grant
Grant received of £105,050 with £103,050 savings identified in 2015/16 and £2016/17, yielding a RoI of 1.0.
Contact Details
Craig Price, Group Auditor - Computer Audit, Birmingham City Council, [email protected]