- 100 per cent of practitioners attending training sessions said they felt more confident with the Graduated Approach.
- 100 per cent of practitioners attending said they felt more confident when writing SMART Targets.
- 100 per cent of practitioners attending said they felt they had gained strategies that they could implement.
- 100 per cent SENCOs attending said that they better understood the role of the SENCo.
- 89 per cent SENCOs attending felt that they better understood the processes and services in Herefordshire as a result of the course.
Anecdotally, play plan targets are more often observed to be SMART when paperwork is received by the local authority and where it is not, settings are immediately contacted and given further training.
We increased the uptake of DAF in settings, 50 children have received DAF (compared to 25 in 2022).
Inclusion funding
Transition funding (which has been in place for three years), the new tariffs, aligned with the schools’ matrix (agreed Sept 2022), increased Inclusion support and better monitoring of funding have all had an impact on the way we spend money and those we can provide for.
In 2018/19 – the last ‘unaffected’ year before COVID 19 we spent:
£162,136 on Inclusion funding for 146 children – This did not include any transition funding, as this was not in place at the time.
In 2022/23 we have spent:
- £195,810 supporting 220 children, including Transition funding for 21 children. Although an increase of just over £32,000 we are supporting 74 more children.
- Our data tells us that 97 per cent of settings believe that EYIF has a positive impact directly for the child.
- We had one report that a setting was not sure that funding directly impacted the child, and in that case we took feedback (regarding staff skills and modelling) and incorporated it into all of our support, to ensure this was remedied.
Survey responses regarding inclusion support also state:
- As a new SENCO, the early years support has been fantastic! I've had lots of questions, all of which have been answered quickly and have left me feeling confident to carry out my role.
- The support we were given yesterday was fantastic. We were feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work involved but now feel so much calmer. Everything has now fallen into place thanks to our EYIO visit and patience. A huge thank you.
- The introduction of SEN Network Meetings is great support. The suggested training from the EY SEND team has been good too. Always on the end of an email or phone call and always good at getting back to you too.