Let’s Get Moving Step into Fitness sessions are aimed at inactive women.
The challenge
Tackle the fact that women persistently remain less active than men.
One of the sessions targets women in areas of deprivation – specifically Agar Nook which is in the top 10 per cent most deprived nationally.
The solution
A fitness class that:
- has an experienced instructor to engage women new to exercise, returning to exercise or nervous to exercise.
- has a welcoming and supportive environment
- caters for all types of ladies of all abilities
- is delivered in a way that is inclusive and manageable whilst being reasonably challenging
- is fun and interactive
- has one session delivered in an area of deprivation to reduce transport barriers
- is low cost to reduce cost barriers.
The impact
- 24 Women whom the majority contributed one day or less in physical activity signed up to the programme, with the majority attending at Agar Nook.
- Over the 12 weeks they developed new friendships, improved their overall health and wellbeing including being inspired to continue their physical activity progress, with pleas from the group at Agar Nook they extended that by another four
- Five participants that attend are from Agar Nook
- Many of these women felt that they did not fit or feel comfortable at other local classes and had the perception that people who attended those classes were already ‘fit’.
- Step into Fitness has provided a vital stepping stone for participants to train in a safe, non-judgemental environment and give confidence to attend other community sessions.
One participant said:
“I have a renewed interest in staying active and my clothes fi better than they did before”
How is the new approach being sustained?
An external instructor was booked to deliver the session through Optimum Performance. Optimum Performance have agreed to take on the class charging a low-cost rate and has around 18-20 people attending.
The venue, Agar Nook Community Centre, have agreed to give a reduced rate on room hire to pass on the discount to the participants.
Lessons learned
- More work is required to engage people from Agar Nook itself as only five participants are from there. It is great that five people have this opportunity but more can benefit.
- Applying a low-cost fee works well.
- Ensuring robust communications and marketing is key.
- Buy in and support from the venue is essential for smooth running of the sessions and sustainability though discounted venue hire.
- Ensure local partners are aware and can refer into the class, such as GPs, Local Area Coordinators and Social Prescribing Link Workers.
- The session did not work well in Ashby and is likely due to an extensive offer in the area and the area being more affluent, therefore not as much need for a low-cost session.
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