Circular EMP-6-22- police staff pay

Following extensive negotiations which have taken place in the PSC Pay and Reward Working Party, the Employers’ Side has made a final revised pay offer to the Trade Union Side for 2021/22 and 2022/23.

Local Government Association

18 Smith Square

London, SW1P 3HZ

e-mail: [email protected] 



To:    Force Personnel/HR Manager/Payroll Manager

Cc:    Police and Crime Commissioners/Chief Constables/PSC Employers Side

29 March 2022

Dear colleague

Following extensive negotiations which have taken place in the PSC Pay and Reward Working Party, the Employers’ Side has made a final revised pay offer to the Trade Union Side for 2021/22 and 2022/23. 


As you will be aware the PRRB was not asked to consider a pay remit for 2021/22 but instead to freeze pay except to award a consolidated £250 payment to those earning £24,000 or less. Following consultation last September, the PSC Employers’ Side decided to adopt this approach for police staff. The Trade Union Side rejected this approach and membership ballots endorsed their position. We therefore re-entered negotiations with a view to resolve the 2021 pay dispute. It should be noted that the PSC is not constrained by public sector pay instructions but an independent body able to reach collectively bargained national agreements. 

Early this year we began to jointly explore the possibility of a 17 month pay agreement, which honoured the 2021 pay restraint, but which would take into account the outcome of the PRRB process for Officers in September 2022. Conscious of not under-selling their members and with negotiations complicated by the PRRB process, we have therefore agreed with the Trade Union Side to include a “re-opener” clause as part of the offer which would ensure that the value of any agreement for their members is protected.

The discussions have proved to be challenging but we believe that we have reached a position where we are now able to make this offer, and the Trade Union side can consult with their members on whether to make this national agreement. If a settlement is reached then the next pay period would be from 1 September 2023.

This offer is at the limits of affordability and is as follows: 

  • A £250 consolidated pay increase on pay points 7 to 18 (inclusive) on the PSC pay spine with effect from 1 September 2021 (to be backdated);
  • A 2.1% consolidated increase on pay points 7 to 45 on the PSC pay spine with effect from 1 April 2022 until 31 August 2023 (to be backdated); 
  • A 2.1% increase on Standby Allowance with effect from 1 April 2022 until 31 August 2023 from £31.57 to £32.23;
  • An increase in the minimum annual leave entitlement to 24 days and 29 days (after five years) with effect from 1 April 2022;
  •  A Collective Bargaining Agreement – Reopener Clause which is as follows: if in the event that a PRRB annual award is agreed from 1 September 2022 in excess of a 3% award, as part of a single year settlement, the Employers’ Side is prepared to re-open pay negotiations on the 17 month police staff pay award to ensure that police staff do not suffer any detriment to their police officer colleagues.

The Trade Union Side (UNISON, UNITE and GMB) will now undertake consultative ballots of their members on the offer which will conclude at the end of April

We will update you further in due course.

Yours sincerely

David Algie

Employers’ Side Secretariat