Corinne at South Norfolk Council

Real impact, real challenge and the steepest, most rewarding learning journey of my career so far.

There has never been a more challenging time to work in local government then now. Change and innovative is key to survive; being a part of this journey has been nothing less than gratifying.

I have helped to enhance and deliver services that can continue to make a difference to lives for years to come. I have been part of a team devising strategies and visions which are organisational wide. I have written a funding bid to a government department, all in only 11 months! Not to mention the practical hands on experience in delivering workshops and presentations to stakeholders. YOU could too.

What have I been up to so far…

Customer Service Strategy

This involved devising a Customer Service Strategy to be rolled out across the organisation. The work involved developing a roadmap and an action plan.

Four weeks into my first placement and I had already presented this to the Chief Executive, Directors, and Heads of Service. 

Eight weeks into my placement I had presented it to Team managers and all employees.

By the end of the placement I had helped to create a concept to encourage a new way of working to deliver better services to our local residents.

Leisure Services Team

Here, I was compiling an informed business case from research evidence. This was inclusive of financial modelling, national and local trend analysis and performance indicator monitoring.

I worked with both frontline staff, cross departmental managers and consultants to create a vision and outline outcomes. I was also involved in presenting the document to a Commercialisation Board.

Housing and Public Health

This is my current placement; I have only just begun to explore this exciting area. I am leading on two projects and supporting on a third. 

Continuous support from day one

South Norfolk has been a brilliant place to start my career in local government. In my first few weeks I met the Council Leader, Chief Executive, Directors and Managers. I was able to work closely with a range of leaders at many levels forming a network of support.

I have an internal and external mentor which has proved helpful when clarifying ideas and exploring avenues of direction.

I have a placement co-ordinator who I meet with regularly to discuss my development needs and this shapes my future placements.

Warwick Events are a chance to develop my network of support through meeting other National Management Trainees and sharing experiences.

Learning and Development

Before the NGDP I had no idea on how to lead a project, write a business case or undertake financial modelling. Now I find myself doing just that on a daily basis.

I have learnt to manage conflicting stakeholder views to deliver the desired outcomes. 

NGDP Seminars have taught me different leadership and influencing styles to which I can apply to situations to achieve the desired results.

Set up for the next stages of my career…

I have a solid base to which I have already recognised three possible pathways I could pursue. In another year I will have further skills, a valuable network of people, an abundance of experience to which will open more possible pathways to explore.