Co-production in action: putting people at the heart of care and support, with a focus on people with a learning disability and autistic people, 15 November 2023

Download the presentation from this event.

This webinar was organised jointly with East of England and West Midlands ADASS

Co-production in action: putting people at the heart of care and support

Webinar recording

An excerpt from the webinar

Watch Sue Deeley, Director of Getta Life, an outstanding West Midlands provider, talk about Roxanne, a young woman who is supported by the Getta Life service. 


Other resources

West Midlands ADASS: a recipe for co-production - West Midlands Regional Co-production Advisory Network

Video about the lived experience coaching supported by West Midlands ADASS 

The “Over a Brew” page on ADASS East's website has various videos about “Over a Brew”

Videos about Working Together for Change featured on the ADASS East website