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Sponsoring and exhibiting at events

A survey by LGAR stated that Local Government Association (LGA) conferences and events are the market leaders in the local government conference field with 86 per cent of respondents stating that they would consider going to an LGA event before any other organiser.

Our political reach on a local and national level means we always have relevant, high profile speakers on the key issues concerning local government.

The LGA runs a programme of one day and longer residential events each year. These events are primarily held in the LGA's conference facilities, 18 Smith Square, in the heart of Westminster. The building, formerly known as Transport House, has an illustrious history, hosting many high-profile meetings since 1928.

Our two to three-day residential events are held in various venues across the country with an average audience consisting between 150 to 350 elected members and local government officers, as well as key representatives from the private and third sector.

Our annual conference and exhibition is our largest event that sees up to 1,500 attendees gather to discuss the latest local government issues.

Why get involved with LGA events?

Positioning your organisation, brand and message alongside the LGA means you will be working with the most influential local government organisation in England and Wales. The LGA has expertise and knowledge to cover a wide range of issues and is regularly consulted by government, the civil service and the media. Partnering with the LGA will provide your organisation with the same exposure and publicity.

If local government is a market for your organisation, partnering with the LGA will form part of an effective marketing strategy. Our credibility as a member organisation means delegates enjoy attending our events and have faith in our opinion on the credibility of sponsors and exhibitors. Our events offer a professional and stimulating environment to network and prospect. Audiences of chief executives, senior officers and council leaders will ensure a high level of engagement, enabling you to develop key relationships with local and central government and provide a platform in which you are able to profile your organisations policy.

All our packages contain a number of branding and integrated opportunities which will maximise your presence and ensure that you are way ahead of your competitors. We are here to work with you, so we are more than willing to tailor packages to suit your requirements and budget and listen to what you need to benefit all involved.  There are a variety of opportunities available to suit varying budgets.

Further information

For all sponsorship and exhibition enquiries please contact:

[email protected]