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London Borough of Lewisham: Year 3 Q3 update

Lewisham plans to test its powers to restrict high in fat, salt or sugar (HFSS) advertising and utilise unsold outdoor advertising space for health promoting advertisements.

Lewisham plans to test its powers to restrict high in fat, salt or sugar (HFSS) advertising and utilise unsold outdoor advertising space for health promoting advertisements. 


  • Posters displayed across 12 JCDecaux digital boards 
  • Posters to be displayed across all 44 council information boards every 6-8 weeks until July 2022 
  • Reached over 4000 businesses with a food business survey testing appetite for creating healthier food environments 
  • Commissioning a provider to develop a nutrition package specifically for people of Black African/Caribbean heritage with aim to foster healthy eating through celebrating different food cultures in the borough 
  • A poster campaign working with pupils & school  
  • teachers promoting the Daily Mile campaign was displayed across 44 council boards for 2 weeks.  
  • Commissioned an organisation to develop two posters, one on healthy eating and another on improving physical activity in children. Work commenced in February and a blog on the work to date was written: Collaborating with Public Health Lewisham to design a set of posters that promote healthy eating and exercise participation within the community - LUV 
  • Developing branding/logo for Trailblazer to increase profile of work


  • Co-production process identified that community groups need more support than anticipated to develop successful poster campaigns & that turnaround for posters is minimum 10 weeks. 
  • Lack of National Child Measurement Programme data for 20/21 so it has not be possible to determine local level trends 


  • Posters are a very powerful communication medium due to their high viewing numbers 
  • Close working relations with partners is very beneficial 
  • Insight from different community groups has worked well. Community reference group has provided a good conduit between Trailblazer activity and the borough’s communities at a time when the pandemic had limited work. 
  • Time and resource involved in supporting community reference group should not be underestimated 
  • Keep reflecting back on the original aims of your project 

Next steps

  • Comms team to support with trailblazer posters to be displayed on council boards  
  • Outsmart to try and engage other media owners into the Lewisham voluntary restrictions 
  • Evaluation - produce report & presentation of phase 6&7 of work 
  • Conduct insight work with young people to understand how the local neighbourhood influences their health behaviours