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Nottinghamshire County Council: Year 3 Q3 update

Nottinghamshire County Council plans to build on its broader whole system approach around the community food environment, to develop food skills, access and support for families with children in the early years.

Nottinghamshire County Council plans to build on its broader whole system approach around the community food environment, to develop food skills, access and support for families with children in the early years. 


  • Healthier@Home meal kit is now in stakeholder engagement and consultation process 
  • One setting has now earned a Food for Life award  
  • Three key objectives for improving access to healthy and affordable meals for childcare/childminders have been devised 
  • An agreed plan is in place to launch a small & short live pilot involving food delivery to up to 5 childminders in Mansfield 
  • A further 5 FOOD clubs opened in the last quarter, there are 21 clubs up and running in total 
  • The Nottinghamshire COTP has been shortlisted for the LGC awards 2022 


  • The national digital rollout of Healthy Start has not gone smoothly so far and Healthy Start update data has not yet been published for the digital scheme 
  • End of funded programme risks losing momentum/wider engagement & support from range of partners 


  • Important to utilise strategic hooks & find opportunities to link trailblazer work with other projects/work areas within Public Health to boost visibility & drive activities forward  
  • Important to maintain a ‘golden thread’ throughout the Trailblazer activity, using this as a reminder of what the original objectives were 

Next steps

  • Continued work towards an improved, more sustainable model for continuation of FOOD Clubs into phase 3 and beyond 
  • Sessions to be delivered on growing food 
  • Work with Delivery Support Partner to plan two Healthy Start webinars, one for Early Years providers and another for a wide range of community organisations 
  • Video case studies from families that use FOOD to be create 
  • Continue work with evaluation partner to complete delivery of evaluation framework