Our contestants gathered in Cherwell District Council for their third challenge - 'Design a future model for waste services that identifies the transformation needed at Cherwell District Council to adapt to the significant changes on the horizon for waste services across the country'.
You can also view an audio described version of the Challenge 3 video on our YouTube channel.
It's Challenge three, and we have hit the halfway point for the LG Challenge 2023. This time round the contestants were sent to the south east region, and to Cherwell Disctrict Council.
Cherwell Leader, Councillor Barry Wood, opened the challenge with encouragement that the teams should deliver bold and ambitious ideas, in keeping with Cherwell’s track record of delivering strategic programmes and initiatives that deliver better outcomes for its communities. It was then over to Ian Boll, Corporate Director, Communities, and Ed Potter, Head of Environmental Services, to deliver a technical briefing and disclose that this challenge would have a focus on waste strategy. The task for the challenge was then revealed:
Cherwell council are very proactive in terms of their waste management, their recycling, they've got a really high recycling rate. They've got a really fast-growing community, there's lots of houses being built.”
– Felicity, Team Thrive Captain
Team Thrive’s proposal ‘Don’t Waste the Future’ aimed to be as resident focused as possible, ensuring that Cherwell utilise more data and insight. The teams proposed achieving this using QR codes on recycling bins, so that residents can scan the code and be able to know what’s supposed to go in which bin. Additionally, the team suggested Cherwell embrace the Deposit Return Scheme that's going to come into legislation in 2025, by setting up a kerbside collection for DRS products and developing a credit reward scheme to drive engagement in other council services.
We have had a working dinner with councillors and with officers. The things that we discussed were around sense checking some of our quite innovative ideas to see if they’re feasible for the council.”
– Joe, Team Catalyst Captain
Team Catalyst’s idea ‘Where is your waste line’ firmly saw technology as being at the forefront of a new waste model for Cherwell. The first part of this proposal was ‘Connect & Collect’ a new integrated CRM system that improves communication, education, and resident satisfaction by providing residents with real time updates. Secondly, the team envisaged a new depot as a community asset called the Bicester Eco-Station, built to the highest green standards, and would have an in-house dry recycling transfer station that would improve efficiencies.
It was another extremely close contest, with both teams submitting well received papers and praise for their presentations. However, after a deliberation that required the full 30mins, it was back to Cllr Barry Wood to announce the winning team, that was this time, Team Thrive!
They were such an inspiring group of individuals and for an elected member, knowing that the next generation are of that calibre, and that engaged, that enthusiastic, that creative, is immensely valuable.”
- Councillor Ian Corkin, Deputy Leader, Cherwell District Council
Helen Jenkins, Head of Leadership, Local Government Association
Yvonne Rees, Chief Executive, Cherwell District Council
Cllr Barry Wood, Leader of Cherwell District Council
Cllr Ian Corkin, Deputy Leader of Cherwell District Council
Cllr Adam Nell, Portfolio Holder Finance, Cherwell District Council
Ian Boll, Corporate Director – Communities, Cherwell District Council
Shona Ware, Assistant Director – Customer Focus, Cherwell District Council