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As part of our sector-led improvement programme, local authorities can take up an offer of a bespoke equality peer challenge using the Equality Framework for Local Government. No awards will be made as part of the peer challenge.
How the challenge works
The peer challenge is in two parts. This first part is to agree the scope and focus with the organisation. Organisations can opt for a peer challenge which considers all the themes of the framework or select sections of the framework to design a more bespoke challenge which meets their requirements. Once the scope is agreed the organisation will be asked to submit a self-assessment narrative and supporting evidence to the peer team.
The second part is the peer challenge itself, which is held over three days. The peer team will meet on-site with a range of internal and external stakeholders. At the end the peer team will deliver a summary of its observations and recommendations to the organisation. A brief written report will be provided within three weeks of the challenge.
The feedback will identify examples of good practice as well as areas for consideration and offer recommendations for improvement.
There is a charge for the equality peer challenge. Please contact your LGA principal adviser for details.
Further information
If you would like to discuss an equality peer challenge please contact your regional LGA principal adviser.
If you are interested in becoming one of our equality peers please visit our Become a peer page.