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Local Government Disability Champions Network (LGDCN)

The Local Government Disability Champions Network (LGDCN) is an informal network of council officers and councillors which is open to anyone in local government who has a formal or informal role as a Disability Champion, is Disabled or considers themselves an ally.

The LGDCN was launched in December 2023. It is an informal network of council officers and councillors which is open to anyone in local government who has a formal or informal role as a Disability Champion, is Disabled or considers themselves an ally.

The LGDCN aims to: 

  • promote the importance of an inclusive local government sector and raise awareness of how barriers to the inclusion of Disabled people in local government might be addressed
  • promote the voice of Disabled people across local government through an ethos of “nothing about us without us”
  • promote an ethos of sector-led improvement through identifying and sharing good practice as well as identifying and supporting efforts to improve poor practice.

The LGDCN is chaired by LGA Vice-Chair Baroness Brinton and meets online on a monthly basis. The network also has an online KHub community of practice where members can share good practice, seek support and view meeting agendas, minutes and recordings. Terms of Reference for the LGDCN are also available on the KHub.

The LGDCN takes a co-produced approach to its work and, with this in mind, has commissioned some case studies to highlight good and emerging practice in co-produced approaches to working with Disabled staff and members across local government.

One of these case studies has been published. You can read about the LGA's Disabled Councillors’ Leadership Programme.

For further information or to join the network please contact Tamsin Hewett at [email protected].