How to develop a consistent approach to contract management

It can be challenging to maintain a consistent approach to contract management, especially considering the sheer volume of contracts at many councils. However, having a consistent approach ensures that suppliers are adequately monitored throughout the duration of contract, and keeps your supply chain cyber resilient.

Examples of actions you can take to develop a consistent approach to contract management with your suppliers:

Icons representing actions to develop a consistent approach to contract management

Icons representing actions to develop a consistent approach to contract management
  • Holding suppliers to the same standards, ensures that performance is measured fairly
  • Communicating and reporting clearly ensures that everyone involved in the contract knows what is expected of them
  • While not immediately granted, a goal of consistent contract management is to cultivate a sense of cooperation and trust between your council and the supplier
  • Once developed, implementing standardised procedures aligned with the risk profile of each procurementĀ keeps such practices consistent across contracts. Procedures can include: monitoring compliance with cyber security requirements and controls, performance evaluations, communication and reporting
  • Designing a central repository for all contract-related documents affords all relevant stakeholders easy access to the latest information and keeps everyone informed
  • Hosting regular training sessions for contract management staff keeps everyone informed and further contributes to a consistent management approach.