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How to determine the ongoing cyber security provisions that need to be captured in the contract

Key ongoing cyber security requirements, arrangements, terms and conditions should contractually require suppliers to continuously monitor their cyber security and cyber resilience arrangements or plans; improve these arrangements when necessary; and provide regular reports throughout the contract term.

Ongoing monitoring might include:

  • Review of General cyber security controls to be adhered to
  • Right to audit
  • Pen tests

Ongoing improvement might include:

  • Ability to invoke a break clause in the contract if the supplier security fails to improve and does not meet expected standards

Ongoing reporting might include: 

  • Disclosure of component vulnerabilities, cyber incidents or data thefts
  • Disclosure of changes and improvements made security controls and resilience plans

What is the purpose of ongoing cyber security contractual requirements?

There are a number of reasons for ongoing cyber security requirements embedded in contracts including but not limited to:

Purpose of ongoing cyber security contractual requirements