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Expand your political leadership skills with our free e-learning platform for councillors.
If you're a councillor, completing modules on our free e-learning platform will deepen your knowledge of local government and help you to build the leadership skills you need to work effectively with communities. You can use the platform to:
- create a bespoke learning programme
- choose the modules most relevant to your individual needs and interests
- fit your learning around all of your other commitments.
Log in
Your free account will be created within 24 hours of your registration.
We offer the following e-learning modules:
- Audit committees (an introduction)
- Biodiversity for councils
- Building safety
- Children’s Services
- Commissioning council services
- Community engagement and leadership
- Corporate parenting
- Councillor Code of Conduct
- Councillor induction
- Economic development
- Equality, diversity and inclusion
- Facilitation and conflict resolution
- Handling intimidation
- Holding council meetings online
- Influencing skills
- Licensing for councillors
- Local government finance
- Performance management
- Planning
- Police and crime panels
- Scrutiny for councillors
- Stress management and personal resilience
- Supporting mentally healthier communities
- Supporting your constituents with complex issues
- The effective ward councillor
- The importance of speech, language and communication in the early years
UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
If you require help or further information about our e-learning platform, please email us at [email protected].
If you have any questions about our e-learning platform, please email us at [email protected]