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One Public Estate: invitation to apply

The One Public Estate programme, led by the Office of Government Property and Local Government Association; the British Property Federation (BPF), which supports the property industry’s largest network for young professionals, BPF Futures; and U+I, the specialist regeneration developer, have joined forces to launch the BPF Futures Challenge.

Partnering for change: bringing new life to urban centres

The #HighStreetChallenge aims to put the property sector’s future leaders at the heart of solving one of the biggest challenges facing our towns and cities: how to bring new life into urban centres.

On 6 June 2019 we have launched an invitation to apply for an OPE partnership or local authority participating in the OPE programme to put forward a high street or urban area to be the focus of the #HighStreetChallenge.

The area must include publically-owned property assets to support the OPE ethos of cross-public sector working. The cornerstone of the BPF Futures Challenge is taking fresh perspectives and developing novel solutions to problems, therefore you must be open to fresh and innovative ideas developed during the event to help overcome the challenges faced by the area.  

The initiative will be run as a one-day ‘Challenge’ on 25 September, during which teams of challengers – drawn from the public and private sectors – will focus on a real-life high street and will spend the day finding solutions to the challenges it is experiencing.

The selected area will receive £100,000 OPE funding to allow the winning idea at the challenge event be brought to life. We are also offering the opportunity for the selected area to put forward young professionals, graduates and future leaders within their own local authority to take part in the challenge to aid their professional development and gain experience of working in a public and private partnership.

How to apply

Local authorities or OPE partnerships seeking to apply should put forward a short proposal (no more than eight sides of A4) outlining the high street or urban centre and the issues they wish to seek support for.

To find out more on how to be part of this exciting opportunity Download the prospectus for full details.


  • 6 June: Futures Challenge launch event
  • 5 July: Deadline for applications
  • 2 August: Successful area selected
  • 6 September: Successful area submits Challenge event materials (brief and film)
  • 24-25 September: Futures Challenge event
  • 14-15 October: Announcement of winning proposal at MIPIM

Download the prospectus

Contact the team to find out more: [email protected]