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Councils co-funded and co-developed three Social Care Digital Innovation Accelerator (SCDIA) projects in 2020-21.
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Councils co-funded and co-developed three Social Care Digital Innovation Accelerator (SCDIA) projects in 2020-21.
In 2019/20, three projects sought partner councils to help co-fund and co-develop a collaborative digital solution to the following areas across social care with programme partner CC2i:
The first two projects each attracted five partner councils and discovery reports for the LPS and medicine support projects were published. For medicines support in domiciliary care, a peer reviewed stakeholder specification, which outlines the requirements and benefits of a digital approach, and a short video to support council commissioners and care providers make the case for investment in digital solutions have now been developed. These have been published on Digital Social Care.
Building on the success of SCDIA 2019/20, the Local Government Association and NHS Digital continued to support digital innovation to help local government and their care partners deliver key health and social care services.
From over 200 submissions from councils and technology providers, three projects were selected for NHS Digital match funding that supported medium- and longer-term challenges in the response to COVID-19.
The three projects, involving 15 local authorities and public sector partners, developed digital approaches to discharge to assess, virtual employability and wellbeing support for vulnerable adults, and active intervention management (AIM) for data-driven multi-agency safeguarding.
Working with six councils and the virtual support provider AutonoMe, this project will helped people with learning disabilities live more independently, with a dual focus on supporting people to enhance their employability and better manage their mental health and wellbeing in light of COVID-19. Find out more about this project on the cc2i webpage.
Five councils joined the LGA, NHS Digital, the Professional Records Standards Body (PRSB) and programme evaluators the Institute for Public Care (IPC) to begin work on the platform to support safe and timely discharge from acute hospitals to community health and social care. Find out more about this project on the cc2i webpage.
A partnership between Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council and key agencies including Fire, Health and Police, this project developed a multi-agency data sharing approach to enable all organisations to better support their communities and improve safeguarding. Other councils were involved to review and understand the approach in Walsall and ensure it can be adapted and adopted beyond the region. Read more about this project on the Policy in Practice webpage.