Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper
Approaches that make sure people have choice and control over the way their care and support is planned and delivered and that everyone is working together as equals.
A guide for commissioners and providers about how Integrated Personal Commissioning and personal health budgets can benefit people and how they can be delivered.
An easy read summary of the paper “Shifting the balance of power” about why we should give more power and control to people with a learning disability through the work that we do.
A tool to support Transforming Care Partnerships make sure that co-production is happening, and to provide some ideas about how to improve things.
A guide to supporting the use of personal health budgets with people with a learning disability.
A tool to support Transforming Care Partnerships make sure that co-production is happening, and to provide some ideas about how to improve things.
Pete is a young person with a learning disability. He has an integrated personal budget and a person-centred plan which covers all his needs including health, social care and education.