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Support provided through our finance programmes uses expertise from around the local government sector, informed by LGA regional intelligence and data, to support local authorities to manage the complex financial challenges facing the sector in the face of demand and inflationary pressures.
Our finance improvement programmes continued to provide councils with varied tools and support to enhance skills and meet finance challenges.
During 2022/23, programme highlights and achievements included:
- 100 per cent of councillors and officer respondents reported that financial learning and development opportunities improved their ability to carry out their role
- 180 councillors attended our financial governance workshop series and 77 councillors attended our Leadership Essentials programmes on audit and finance for finance and non-finance cabinet members.
- comments shared by financial governance workshop delegates included:
I would recommend (Leadership Essentials on audit) to any elected member who may find themselves on an audit or scrutiny committee. It is so much more valuable than the basic training given to new councillors.
I found this extremely beneficial. As a district councillor in a by-election a year ago I received very limited training and no direct training in financial matters. Not having come from a finance background I have found the whole process a bit complicated to understand. This session presented the information clearly and in an understandable way. I learned a lot and am very glad I attended.
- our experienced Finance Associates (formerly our Finance Improvement and Sustainability Advisers) delivered support to 41 councils facing significant financial challenges, including intensive support to those councils most in need
- 91 per cent of respondents reported that the support provided had a positive impact and feedback included:
As Section 151 officer, being able to call upon this support in these very challenging times is a great benefit and if it wasn't there, would be a very big loss.
Respectful challenge to financial approach and reporting – resulting in improvements.
- we supported each region to facilitate a forum for audit committee chairs, providing a safe space to share key challenges and good practice, build skills and hear from guest speaks on key topics of significance
- feedback from audit committee chairs included:
A very useful, thought provoking and stimulating event.