Evaluate impact

Evaluating the impact of transformation is essential to ensure outcomes are achieved.

What do we mean by evaluating impact?

Measuring the effect or outcomes of transformation activity. Usually this means assessing whether the benefits set at the start of a transformation project or programme have been achieved.


  • Understanding of evaluation methods including qualitative and quantitative assessment.
  • Understanding of how to baseline and measure benefits.


Able to:

  • Baseline benefits: Clearly defining the current state, usually including performance, demand and cost, to form a baseline for the targeting and measurement of benefits.
  • Set targets: Using insights gained through analysis and the baseline data available to set measurable targets to understand progress through transformation.
  • Collect and analyse data: Using statistical tools, demand and cost data, surveys, interviews, focus groups etc. to collect, triangulate and analyse data.
  • Report on progress: Provide valid and accurate progress updates throughout the lifecycle of the evaluation period, including statistics and related narrative, including explaining cause and effect.
  • Engage stakeholders: Work with stakeholders to gain their insights to inform evaluation.
  • Communicate: Effectively at all levels to explain progress and to make recommendations based on evaluation findings.
  • Manage risk: Identity, assess and manage the risks associated with evaluation.


Behaviours associated with evaluating impact require team members to be:

  • Inclusive
  • Customer / user focused
  • Empathetic
  • Collaborative
  • Analytical
  • Decisive
  • Resilient
  • Adaptable and pragmatic
  • Committed to continual learning

Service design – maturity index

A related service design maturity index has been created to enable councils to understand their current maturity and to set, and work towards, a target state. This can be downloaded below.