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A list of commissioning resources for transformation.

Commissioning case studies

These studies are exemplars of commissioning best practice across a range of public services.  

Commissioning Academy

The programme is designed and delivered by the Cabinet Office and the LGA, providing specialist know-how and sector and commissioning expertise.

Commissioning Academy for elected members

Councillors involved in the commissioning of services can develop their skills in this role at the Commissioning Academy for Elected Members, jointly developed by the LGA and Cabinet Office Commissioning Academy. Learning about commissioning is essential for all councillors to assist them in their role in shaping the future of public services and deciding how to use limited resources to achieve specific local outcomes. These sessions will help councillors explore ways to improve the commissioning activity of their councils through political leadership.

Commissioning for Better Outcomes peer review

This is a four-day challenge with a multi-disciplinary peer team exploring an authority's aspirations, performance and delivery against their self-assessment of the commissioning for better outcomes standards. The Commissioning for Better Outcomes Peer Challenges were piloted in March 2015.  For more information contact Marcus Coulson, LGA Programme Manager, Tel: 07766 252 853, Email: [email protected]

Commissioning in local government: a research project for Local Partnerships

In October 2014 Local Partnerships engaged Public Intelligence to undertake research into the state of local government commissioning. The aim of the research was to better understand commissioning practice, especially the differences between commissioning and procurement, to identify the challenges that local authorities experience in different parts of the commissioning cycle and to highlight best practice and areas of learning for the sector.

Innovation and Commissioning Network (SOLACE)

As well as leading the development of Solace's guidance and advice on innovation, commissioning, sourcing and procurement, the network works to influence national policies and standards.