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EMP circular 1/24 – Pay offer

National Employers

Local Government Association, 
18 Smith Square, Westminster,  
London, SW1P 3HZ
Telephone 020 7187 7335 
e-mail: [email protected]
Employers’ Secretary, Naomi Cooke

Direct dial: 020 7187 7335


To: Chief fire officers 
Chief executives/Clerks to fire authorities 
Chairs of fire authorities 
Directors of human resources 

CC: Members of the Employers’ Side of the NJC 

25 April 2024

Circular EMP /1/24- Pay offer

  1. The National Employers have today made a pay offer to the employees’ side of the NJC.
  2. Please find the offer letter attached at appendix A, provided to FRA/FRSs for information.
  3. The National Employers have also prepared a reactive media statement from employers’ chair, Councillor Nick Chard. This is provided at appendix B.
  4. Further updates will be provided in due course.

Yours faithfully,

Sarah Ward
Employers side secretary

Appendix A: offer letter

Appendix B: reactive media statement