Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper
National Employers
Local Government Association,
18 Smith Square, Westminster,
London, SW1P 3HZ
Telephone 020 7187 7335
e-mail: [email protected]
Employers’ Secretary, Naomi Cooke
Direct dial: 020 7187 7335
To: Chief fire officers
Chief executives/Clerks to fire authorities
Chairs of fire authorities
Directors of human resources
CC: Members of the Employers’ Side of the NJC
25 April 2024
Circular EMP /1/24- Pay offer
- The National Employers have today made a pay offer to the employees’ side of the NJC.
- Please find the offer letter attached at appendix A, provided to FRA/FRSs for information.
- The National Employers have also prepared a reactive media statement from employers’ chair, Councillor Nick Chard. This is provided at appendix B.
- Further updates will be provided in due course.
Yours faithfully,
Sarah Ward
Employers side secretary