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PSC joint circular 138 - College of policing code of ethics

Police Staff Council (PSC)

LGA, 18 Smith Square
London, SW1P 3HZ
Telephone: 020 7187 7340 
Employers’ Side Secretary, Sarah Ward
e-mail: [email protected]

Unison Centre,130 Euston Road
London, NW1 2AY
Telephone: 020 7121 5272
Trade Union Side Secretary, Ben Priestley
e-mail:  [email protected]

To: Police and Crime Commissioner
Force Personnel/HR Manager/Payroll Manager
Trade union branches

cc: PSC Members
Scotland and MPS (for information only)

8 October 2024

Joint circular 138 – College of policing's code of ethics

Dear Colleague

The new Code of Ethics, which was published by the College of Policing in March 2024, replaces the previous Code of Ethics issued in July 2014.

The new Code of Ethics has the same status as other guidance produced by the College. Its ethical policing principles provide support for police staff in making ethical decisions and the guidance on professional behaviour describes how police staff should behave, in a way that makes it easy for them to understand those expectations and avoid unprofessional behaviour. Police staff are therefore advised to familiarise themselves with the advice and guidance set out in the Code.

The new Code has been revised to provide greater clarity on the relationship between the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Behaviour. It also clarifies that, as was always intended, the Code of Ethics applies to every person working in policing, not just police officers.

The new Code of Ethics is inclusive and there for everyone in policing to provide support in demonstrating being a policing professional. It is not statutory and does not alter statutory provisions or replace police staff terms and conditions of employment. It is  supported by a new Code of Practice for chief officers and provides them with direction on ethical culture within their force.

The College of Policing makes clear in the Code that:

‘For the avoidance of doubt, the Code of Ethics does not set the standards against which conduct should be assessed. Those standards are set by the Police Conduct Regulations and terms of employment.’

By ‘terms of employment’ the College is referring to Police Staff Council Handbook, Part 3, Guidance Note 9 Standards of Professional Behaviour.

This means that police staff, undergoing misconduct investigations/hearings, should not be investigated/judged in those proceedings against  the Code of Ethics, but rather by reference to the Police Staff Council Standards of Professional Behaviour.

Yours sincerely          

Ben Priestley, Trade Union Side Secretary
David Algie, Employers’ Side Secretariat