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PSC joint circular 120 - Apprenticeships

Local Government Association
18 Smith Square
London, SW1P 3HZ
email: [email protected]

Unison Centre,130 Euston Road
London, NW1 2AY
Trade Union Side Secretary, Ben Priestley
email: [email protected]

To: Police and crime commissioner (copy chief exec &treasurer)
Chief constables (copy force personnel/HR manager/payroll manager)

CC: PSC Members
Scotland and MPS (for information only)

9 February 2022

Joint circular 120 - Apprenticeships

Dear Sir/Madam

The Police Staff Council is committed to high quality services delivered by a well-trained, motivated workforce with security of employment. With this principle in mind, the Council wishes to encourage high standards of employment practice in relation to the way in which the terms and conditions of police staff apprentices are applied by forces.

The council’s Pay and Reward Working Party has considered this and encourages forces to work with their recognised Trade Unions to put the following good practice into place for apprentices:

  • genuine employment opportunities/career mobility for police staff apprentices and to ensure the chance to work together with experienced staff
  • utilise the recruitment of apprentices to support the delivery of the public sector equality duty and develop a workforce that represents the full diversity of the community
  • fully integrate apprentices into the police staff workforce by employing them under the Police Staff Council conditions of employment as described in the Police Staff Council Handbook;
  • time off for training and study related to their role (at least 20 per cent of normal working hours).

The Council believes that it is also important to recognise the size of the role that apprentices are undertaking at key stages in their development by determining pay through the application of the forces’ job evaluation scheme. This can be delivered in a number of different ways including:

  • evaluating roles as key stages within the apprenticeship through job evaluation – to construct an apprenticeship pay scale/spot point, thereby ensuring that the role being undertaken is properly recognised, or
  • determining the pay grade that is applicable when the apprenticeship is completed and the individual is carrying out the full duties and responsibility of the role; through the force JE scheme. Then construct an apprenticeship pay scale using percentages of the end point pay scale to recognise the progress individuals undertake as they progress through their apprenticeship.

The council’s position is that forces should where possible ensure that individuals on completion of their apprenticeships have access to opportunities to develop a fulfilling and rewarding career within the police service.

Yours sincerely

Ben Priestley
Trade Union Side Secretary

David Algie
Employers’ Side Secretariat