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LGA response to the DfE consultation ‘Corporate parenting, the local offer and personal adviser support’, November 2017

The LGA strongly supports the corporate parenting principles within the Children and Social Work Act 2017, and welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft guidance on their implementation.

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  • The Local Government Association strongly supports the corporate parenting principles within the Children and Social Work Act 2017, and welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft guidance on their implementation.

  • The Local Offer for Care Leavers and the extension of Personal Adviser support to all care leavers up to the age of 25 are positive steps, and if properly resourced, will help to provide welcome support to care leavers as they move towards independence.

  • Councils are keen to see these new provisions implemented well, providing care leavers with important additional support and advice up until the age of 25. However, we are concerned that this consultation has been launched and will shortly close with no information from government on how these provisions will be funded. We strongly believe that new burdens funding must go beyond simply resourcing councils to provide a personal adviser, and also provide the funding necessary for them to effectively perform their role by providing the additional help and support that care leavers request. Failing to do so will be a significant disservice to some our most vulnerable young people, providing them with an opportunity to request support that local authorities will have no resources to provide. With councils facing a £2 billion funding gap for children’s services by 2020, it is vital that these new burdens are fully funded if government is serious about improving support to our most vulnerable children and young people.

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