Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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LGA submission to Ofgem’s call for input on future of local energy institutions and governance

Councils want to work as partners with central government, and Ofgem, to tackle climate change with a focus on transitioning to net zero.

LGA submission to Ofgem’s Consultation on Future of local energy institutions and governance, May 2023

Councils want to work as partners with central government, and Ofgem, to tackle climate change with a focus on transitioning to net zero.

LGA submission to Review of Net Zero: call for evidence

The LGA welcomes the publication of Government’s Net Zero Strategy. It is our view that the next stage of work should be a deliverable plan that will help to coordinate the actions of the multiple players that are essential in achieving decarbonisation.

LGA submission to the 2023/24 Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement

While the Local Government Association welcomes an overall increase in baseline funding for local authorities, we express concern that a significant proportion of the increase in core spending power for 2023/24 has been achieved through a combination of potentially one-off grants, ring-fenced funding, re-allocation of existing funding, and the assumption that local authorities will implement council tax increases. We continue to make the case for multi-year settlements and for more long-term certainty around funding and budgets.

LGA submission to the 2024/25 Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement

The evidence of the financial strain on councils has been growing. The settlement does not provide enough funding to meet the severe cost and demand pressures which have left councils of all political colours and types warning of the serious challenges they face to set balanced budgets next year. Councils in England continue to face a funding gap of £4 billion across this year and next. The 2024/25 provisional settlement does not change the funding gap facing councils.

LGA submission to the APPG for Housing and Planning inquiry into developer contributions

Councils need a developer contribution system that is transparent, efficient and effective in bringing forward the affordable housing and funding for the strategic and local infrastructure communities need.

LGA submission to the APPG for Youth Employment inquiry into place-based approaches to youth employment

Local government as democratically elected leaders of place, also play a key role in stimulating local economies and want to ensure that employers have a supply of skilled workforce to meet the current and future business demands in local areas.

View allEmployment and skills articles

LGA submission to the call for evidence for the independent review of building regulations and fire safety, 13 October 2017

The LGA welcomes the opportunity to submit evidence to the independent review of building regulations and fire safety. Councils across the country are clear that no one should have to live in fear about their safety, be that in the buildings they live in, work in or visit.

View allCommunity safety articles

LGA submission to the consultation on disqualification criteria for councillors and mayors: November 2017

The LGA has responded to the Government’s consultation on disqualification criteria for elected councillors and mayors.

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Cllr Helen Belcher OBE on how her constituents are her priority 👇 “Being a fairly prominent trans woman means I do…

5 hours ago