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Forget What You Think You Know about...councils

In this episode, one of our NGDP graduates, Esther Barrott, explores what councils really do and why it's important to vote in the upcoming elections, with the help of experts Jackie Weaver, Councillor Peter Fleming and Lord Simon Woolley.

Forget What You Think You Know

Episode 4: Councils

In this episode, Esther Barrott, a graduate on the National Graduate Development Programme (NGDP), takes us on a journey to find out more about councils and the workings behind them. Esther looks at the general perceptions that surround councils, what councils actually do for communities, the role they have played throughout the pandemic, and why it is so important to vote in the upcoming local elections on 6 May.

Esther is joined by Cllr Peter Fleming, who shares his story around how he got involved in local government and what the role of a councillor involves; Jackie Weaver who gives us an insight into the story behind the famous parish council meeting that made her an internet star and why voting in local elections is so important; and Lord Simon Woolley who explains why it is important diverse audiences engage with councils and local democracy and what councils should be doing more of to encourage them to get involved.

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