Supporting people at home (the ethos of Home First from hospital) and discharge to assess are approaches promoted through the COVID-19 Hospital Discharge Requirements first published in March 2020.
The funding and approach since March 2020 have had successes. There are also some concerns about implementation and the impact on people and across systems, not least in the context of the shortage of personal protective equipment for adult social care in many parts of the country, inconsistencies in testing people being discharged from hospital, and whether discharge is safe and to the right place for the individual. We must learn from these concerns to build on the positive aspects of the initiative.
Health and care partners will want to look at intelligence and data about capacity in the context of sufficiency, suitability and sustainability across all provision, not just acute healthcare. They will want also to ensure that, as much as possible, arrangements to make sure that people who are most impacted by COVID-19 are protected and supported. ADASS consulted its regions and agreed a set of criteria for future discharge to assess and investment in reablement.
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