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Making Safeguarding Personal for commissioners and providers of health and social care

This briefing is designed to reinforce and build on earlier work on good practice when making safeguarding personal for health and social care commissioners and providers.

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In particular, it aims to build on what is known about good and excellent practice when applying the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) five core components, namely that when making safeguarding personal, providers and commissioners are “well-led, caring, effective, safe and responsive”. The intention is to support health and social care commissioners and providers to make positive differences by engaging with those who use services.

The briefing was developed following three national workshops which engaged in reflective discussions to identify the hallmarks of good practice and how this standard can be achieved. There was a focus on identifying what enables good practice to be developed and sustained, and where the barriers might be. Presentations reflecting good and outstanding practice across commissioning and providing informed those reflections. These included too input from CQC and a focus on the significance of learning from research and from Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs). The legal context was outlined. The focus on a ‘whole system’ approach was welcomed and facilitated by working together in the workshops across sectors and across commissioners and providers.

A further workshop is planned for December 2019 to develop actions to support making real in practice the hallmarks of good practice established at the workshops and set out in the briefing. 

MSP workshop slides