The Home Office estimates that there are around 13,000 victims of modern slavery in the UK. There could be many more. Many will be living in private rented accommodation.
This guide has been designed to help landlords:
- reduce the risk of modern slavery in their properties
- look for the signs of modern slavery
- take action if they have concerns that victims of slavery may be living at their property
LGA Member local authorities can access two editable versions below, one for print and one for web.
Local authority editable web version
Local authority editable print version
To add your organisation’s logo to the front cover of the editable versions please hover your cursor over the right hand top corner of the front cover. There is also room to add you contact details on page nine. You will need Adobe professional. If you would like the copy in a word document to use for your own purposes (member councils only) please email: Ellie.Greenwoo[email protected]
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