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Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of the adult social care workforce

Key resources to support adult social care employee mental health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond

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On this page you will find the results of in-depth desk research into resources which have been developed by a broad range of organisations to support the mental health and wellbeing of the adult social care workforce in response to the COVID-19 crisis, and beyond. Much of the content posted here has been developed at pace and represents a snapshot of what is on offer as at September 2020.

We have broadly categorised the resources around specific topics, for example, death and dying, mental health at work and remote working or specific segments of the adult social care workforce including frontline staff working in any sector, managers, and social workers. We have also included some content aimed at shared lives and unpaid carers. We think there remains a gap in terms of material aimed at people who employ Personal Assistants, and for Personal Assistants themselves. Where we think material may be useful in more than one category, we have included it twice.

Whilst recognising that advice on financial or employment matters could also be very important to a person’s wellbeing during COVID-19, we have limited ourselves to resources which focus primarily on mental health and wellbeing.

Apart from one, all of the resources and offers are free at the point of use, with most requiring no particular eligibility criteria. Some resources require (free) registration to access them. The majority of the resources are available nationally-where this is not the case, this is indicated. The bulk of the resources have been developed specifically in response to COVID-19,while others have been adapted. We have included some resources which, while not being COVID-specific, are nonetheless extremely useful

We are very aware that some staff who have experienced traumatic events either in their working or personal lives may need specialist support and intervention from skilled and experienced professionals or volunteers. Please note that guidance from Health Education England warns against intrusive but well-meaning attempts to make people relive a traumatic incident -often called psychological debriefing- immediately after an event, which can actually increase the risk of later PTSD.

Hospice UK runs a Bereavement & Trauma Support Line 0300 303 4434 8am to 8pm seven days a week with trained counsellors and support for those whose wellbeing has been affected by witnessing traumatic deaths as part of their work. A referral is not required. We have also included a section of support with death, dying and bereavement during COVID-19.
Please also note that by including these resources, the LGA does not endorse or recommend any particular product, though many trusted names can be found in the resource directory. We are aware there may be excellent products we have missed so please let us know if we should add anything. The speed and pace at which most of these resources were developed means that it has not been possible to road-test or peer review any of them.

New material is constantly being developed so please bear this in mind when using these resources. If you come across anything you think we should know about, please email [email protected].