The Care and Health Improvement Programme (CHIP) safeguarding workstream commissioned Suzy Braye, Michael Preston-Shoot and Research in Practice to undertake a review of SARs published in 2018/18 and 2918/19 to inform future priorities for sector led improvement in safeguarding adults’ practice. This is a ‘once in a decade’ opportunity to identify learning from SARs at a national level, as there is no regular reporting mechanism.
Both the full report and executive summary have been published, co-badged by ADASS and LGA and there was a successful virtual launch in December 2020.
The full report, Analysis of Safeguarding Adult Reviews: April 2017 - March 2019, is lengthy and academic, reflecting the considerable work that has been undertaken, the range and depth of analysis. An Executive summary has also been provided.
These six shorter targeted briefings have been developed to enable easier access to the wealth of information and guidance arising from this work. These have been developed for: Elected members, senior leaders, such as directors of adult social services (DASSes) and members of Safeguarding Adults Boards, practitioners, Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) chairs and business managers, Safeguarding Adults Review authors and individuals and their families. These extract findings from the report most relevant to these particular audience and identify key messages for taking the learning and improvement work forward.
The purpose of the briefings is to enable the learning and key messages from the analysis to be disseminated and have an impact across safeguarding practice and systems, supporting sector led improvement in adult safeguarding.
In this section:
- Briefing for practitioners - Analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews
- Briefing for Safeguarding Adults Reviews authors - Analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews
- Briefing for elected members - Analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews
- Briefing for SAB chairs and business managers - Analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews
- Briefing for senior leaders - Analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews