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Bright Futures: CAMHS

Our call to prioritise child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS).


Good mental health is just as important as physical health, as it provides you with the resilience to cope with set backs and difficult emotions. The consequences of not tackling problems early can be lifelong.

Today, we know that at least one in 8 children and young people are affected by mental health problems. Despite this, lack of funding is leaving service thresholds so high that around 75 per cent of young people experiencing a mental health problem are unable to access any treatment.

We cannot carry on like this. Our children should be getting the best – not just getting by. Join our call to Government to prioritise child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing.

Our asks

If we truly want to get the best for children and young people, the services that change their lives must be prioritised. We are calling on the Government to:

1. Ensure the extra £1.7 billion has been spent on child and adolescent mental health and not diverted elsewhere

Mental health services for children and young people are buckling under rapidly increasing demand – local areas urgently need the funding they have been promised and for funding to be guaranteed after this Parliament.

2. Improve standards and make sure funding is spent wisely

It is critical that Government ensure care pathways and services are quickly accessible and appropriate for all, including those with complex needs. They must also strengthen governance over how funding is spent, recognising that health and wellbeing boards are best placed to ensure that funding reaches the right services.

3. Prioritise prevention and early intervention; provide funding to councils to allow them work with schools to commission independent school based counselling in every secondary school.

Children and young people’s chances of thriving dramatically increase the earlier we provide help as well as saving money in the longer term. Cuts to the Early Intervention Grant must be reversed, counselling introduced in all secondary schools as part of an integrated whole-school approach and funding spread across all services.

How you can help

If you feel strongly that we should properly fund the services that change children’s lives there are a number of ways you can help.

Raise your voice

It’s important that we send a clear message to Government that urgent action is required. Each time the issue is raised with your local MP or minuted in a Full Council or cabinet meeting, you can help to amplify our call for change.

Share our campaign with your residents

Spread the message far and wide that children’s support services are under pressure – use social networks to share our campaign and the hashtag #gettingthebest with your followers.

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