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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Person sitting down outside with mask on

Long Covid: Councils set out need for plan, funding and research on long-term health and care impact

COVID-19’s expected long-term health impact needs to be recognised in future public health and social care planning.

View allPublic health articles
A bright yellow, circular sticker on the ground with the words "Covid-19 social distancing, please stand here" in black and red

LGA responds to Prime Minister’s announcement on easing restrictions

"Whilst we are all keen to get back to normal as soon as possible, we all still need to remain vigilant and use common sense wherever necessary."

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woman looking out of a window in a darkened room

LGA - 430% increase in B&B spend for people who are homeless reveals urgency for more social housing

Councils in England spent £142 million placing homeless households in bed and breakfasts in 2019/20, compared with £26.7 million in 2010/11 - a 430 per cent increase.

A close up of a gloved hand holding a corona vaccine vial against a yellow background

LGA responds to interim advice on how most vulnerable could be offered COVID-19 booster vaccine this autumn

“Any decision on offering a booster jab later this year, to protect our most vulnerable from variants and flu ahead of winter, will be supported by councils and their directors of public health in our collective national effort to end the pandemic."

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Ariel shot of housing estate

LGA responds to launch of new planning apps

“Councils want to work with government to deliver a locally-led planning system which enables communities to shape and define the area they live in."


LGA responds to Environmental Audit Committee report on biodiversity and ecosystems

"It is good that the Environmental Audit Committee’s report recognises that the Government should prioritise effective implementation of net gain into the planning system."

Person in a blue denim shirt holding a smart phone

Younger people more susceptible to being scammed

The LGA warns that text and call-based scams are on the rise and urges everyone to remind themselves of tell-tale signs that you may have been contacted by a scammer.

View allCommunity safety articles
Child covering face with a toy

LGA responds to Social Market Foundation report on demand for foster care

With councils now looking after nearly 16,000 more children than they were 10 years ago, and the needs of those young people becoming more complex, it is becoming increasingly difficult for councils to make sure that every child has the best home to meet their needs

View allChildren and young people articles

LGA responds to new advertising rules on unhealthy foods

"Any efforts to tackle the causes of obesity needs to be part of a whole systems approach, if we are to help the Government meet its target of halving childhood obesity by 2030."

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Person sitting alone in a wheelchair

Nine in ten councillors back call for social care priority in government

Councillors from across the country and political spectrum have called on the Government to give greater priority to social care and start committing more resources to it now.

View allAdult social care articles