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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Man with a stop sign at a school crossing

#OurDay – a day in the life of local government

21 November 2017 marked #OurDay, the annual social media event that celebrates the diverse work carried out by councils up and down the country.

View allCommunities articles
View all Sector-led improvement articles

LGA responds to NHS Digital stats on deprivation of liberty safeguard assessments

“Councils are doing everything they can to protect the rights of the most vulnerable people and will continue to prioritise those most in need."

Leisure centres could be forced to close without government investment

Leisure centres could fall into a state of disrepair and even be forced to close without urgent new investment from government, councils warn today.


Average house price is now eight times the average wage, councils warn

The average house price in England is now almost eight times the average wage, sparking a call from councils to be allowed to invest significantly in house building.

View allHousing and planning articles

Councils call for urgent action to improve safety in youth offending institutions

Action is urgently needed to make sure children and young people detained in youth offending institutions and secure training centres are safe, council leaders say.

View allSafeguarding children articles

National funding formula for schools announcement – LGA response

“The LGA has long called for fairer funding for all schools and for councils to be able to work with schools to set budgets that reflect local need."

View allEducation and schools articles

LGA responds to Government announcement on housing need

“Our residents are clear – new homes in their communities have to be affordable, high-quality, and supported by adequate infrastructure and sustainable local services."


LGA responds to latest delayed transfers of care figures

“Across the country nearly six out of 10 people delayed in hospital are unable to leave because they require further NHS services, with just over a third awaiting support from council social care."

View allAdult social care articles

LGA responds to National Audit Office report on homelessness

“Homelessness is a tragedy, as a settled home is crucial to health and wellbeing for individuals and families, and is a central cornerstone of successful communities."

View allHomelessness articles

Councils: displaying food hygiene ratings must be made mandatory after Brexit

All food premises should be forced to display ‘Scores on the Doors’ ratings when EU laws governing food safety are converted into UK law to improve hygiene standards.

View allBrexit articles