
The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Mother lifting her child into the air

SEND review needs to tackle huge rise in tribunal hearings – LGA

“It is vital the Government’s SEND review urgently tackles the increasingly adversarial nature of the SEND system since the 2014 reforms and minimises the need for legal disputes and tribunal hearings, providing the support that every young person and their family needs."

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child in red striped shirt looking out the window

LGA responds to CMA report on children's social care market

“We urge the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care to consider these recommendations in their final report and are keen to work with the Government to ensure that children can live in the homes that best suit their needs and where they can thrive.”

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Silhouettes of different women from all backgrounds lined up together. Text: International Women's Day 2022

International Women's Day statement 2022

Marked annually on 8 March, International Women's Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

Hands holding a mobile phone

LGA responds to change in planning laws for 5G rollout

“Access to fast and reliable digital connectivity is no longer a luxury, but a necessity, and councils have been a key player in the roll-out to the hardest to reach areas in the last five years."

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Rampion offshore wind farm off the Sussex coast

LGA responds to PAC report on Net Zero

“Our ambitious plans show how councils can go further and faster tackling climate change, and as our polling shows, councils are the ones who are trusted the most to get on and deliver for their residents."

Person who has been helped by OPE housing smiling sitting with his carers

LGA responds to The King's Fund report on adult social care

“Social care remains under enormous strain to recruit and retain high quality staff when faced with pay issues, unmet need within the sector and pressures on provider fee levels. Considering the limits that adult social care has been working within over the pandemic, it’s positive to see that the report finds that “service quality held up quite well”.

View allAdult social care articles
Older white man hugging a younger white boy who has learning disabilities, they are both smiling

Councils could face budget blackhole amid growing concerns about underfunded adult social care reforms

As councils plan budgets for next year, concerns are growing that the Government’s reforms to adult social care are underfunded and risk their implementation as well as exacerbating existing pressures, the Local Government Association is warning.

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photo of young girl with head on mother's lap

Youth services funding reduction could pay for over 1,000 youth workers – LGA

More than 1,000 youth and community support workers could be recruited using money removed from a flagship government fund for youth services, according to new analysis by the Local Government Association.

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woman looking out of a window in a darkened room

LGA responds to Crisis report on homelessness trends across the country

“Government support packages such as the temporary eviction ban and £20 Universal Credit uplift have been incredibly helpful throughout the pandemic, but with these now no longer in place, a cross-departmental plan around long-term social and financial resilience and homelessness prevention is urgently needed."


Cllr Nick Forbes announcement – LGA statement

“We are hugely grateful to Nick for the outstanding contribution he has made to the LGA. His voice has helped to secure significant changes for communities across the country"