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National Association of Police, Fire and Crime Panels - annual report to LGA Board 2024

Special Interest Group annual report to LGA Board.

Contact information

Lead Member: John Gili-Ross (Chairman)
Lead Officer: Emma Tombs (Secretary)

Email: [email protected]
Address: Essex County Council, County Hall, Market Road, Chelmsford
Telephone: 03330 322709


Membership is open to all Police, (Fire), and Crime Panels in England and Wales. Of the 41 constituted Panels, 40 have confirmed their membership of the NAPFCP including all 4 Panels in Wales. Despite repeated approaches to the last remaining panel not in membership using email and phone contact the association has not received any acknowledgement or response.


The NAPFCP is a body that supports Police, (Fire) and Crime Panels in England and Wales and aims to be nationally recognised as representing and promoting their views and best interests and so influence change for the better.

The following are the NAPFCP terms of reference:

  • to provide a forum for collaborative discussion of issues relating to and impacting on Police and Crime Panels and Police, Fire and Crime Panels (PCPs / PFCPs)
  • to share ideas and experience in response to the expanding role of PCCs and PFCCs and thereby PCPs / PFCPs
  • to create a mechanism for direct liaison between PCPs / PFCPs and the Home Office
  • to provide an opportunity for dialogue with relevant bodies such as the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, Association of Police and Crime Chief Executives and others
  • to support the development of joint PCP /PFCP responses to relevant consultations
  • to promote professional standards
  • to share good practice and create guidance and other supporting materials for PCPs /PFCPs
  • to ensure stability and collective memory in a landscape where PCPs / PFCPs can have significant changes in membership
  • to provide capacity for horizon scanning across all PCPs / PFCPs.
  • to promote better public understanding of the role of PCPs / PFCPs.

The membership of the National Association’s Executive Committee was confirmed at its AGM which took place in November 2023. Since the last report one executive member resigned from their Police and Crime Panel. This vacancy was confirmed as being filled at the November AGM.

Key activities

The executive committee meets approximately monthly by remote means to update progress on work streams and discuss and agree any written response to sector specific events.

The NAPFCP work streams include:

  • promotion of best practice for panels and Scrutiny of Commissioners
  • technology changes and impact on budgets
  • promotion of the panels role within police and FRS to the public
  • commissioner and chief constable senior appointments
  • complaints handling – PCC and policing.

Other activities undertaken during the year

In addition to the above, the association has responded to numerous information and call for evidence requests providing a collective view from panel members. These responses are shared with panel support officers and panel chairs as appropriate.

The relationship between the Home Office and the NAPFCP has continued to strengthen and in particular following the invitation from the association chair to the panel annual meeting last November. Planned initiatives by the HO have been shared with the association seeking comment and amendment prior to wider information distribution. The difficulties experienced by some panels in dealing with public complaints made against the commissioner were shared with the HO and a survey has been distributed to all panels seeking information on the number and costs associated with handling complaints.

The NAPFCP continues to monitor sector developments and produces key line of enquiry suggestions for Panels to potentially raise with their commissioners.

Difficulties and concerns

The Home Affairs Select Committee held a series of inquiry sessions with relevant organisations with subject matter experts being invited to address the committee. It is of some concern that the LGA nominated a non-subject matter expert to attend the inquiry session who was clearly not a panel member, selecting this person rather than a panel member or a NAPFCP executive member. This activity has led to the association further questioning the relationship between the LGA and the NAPFCP as a SIG member.

To repeat a concern raised in the 2023 SIG report the association has a WordPress based web site and the executive committee does not possess the necessary skills to keep the site up to date or to host sector specific information of a current or historic nature. The NAPFCP asked if the LGA could provide administration for its web site to load pre-written content in last year’s annual SIG report. No response has been forthcoming and we would again submit this request for LGA consideration.

The LGA has not provided the sector with any tangible support or information over the last 12 months including meeting with the NAPFCP to discuss sector specific issues or concerns.