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Supplier payments over £500 | December 2020

Supplier payments over £500 | December 2020
Company Pay date SuppID(T) TransNo Amount Account(T)
LU 04/12/2020 BYHIRAS (EUROPE) LTD 1302515 8,500.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 04/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1302525 3,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 18/12/2020 RJH COMMUNICATIONS 1302577 650.00 Inward Consultancy - Fees
LU 18/12/2020 RJH COMMUNICATIONS 1302576 3,900.00 Inward Consultancy - Fees
LU 04/12/2020 RJH COMMUNICATIONS 1302523 4,387.50 Inward Consultancy - Fees
LU 18/12/2020 IRON MOUNTAIN [UK] LTD 1302555 817.80 Postage
LU 11/12/2020 LONDON BOROUGH OF HARROW 1302543 3,795.75 Additional Staff related payments
LU 11/12/2020 PENSIONS AND LIFETIME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 1302536 938.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 18/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1302547 800.00 Publicity & Media
LU 18/12/2020 BARTLETT MITCHELL LTD 1302575 2,760.28 Internal Catering
LU 18/12/2020 SHARPE PRITCHARD 1302574 2,870.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 18/12/2020 SHARPE PRITCHARD 1302557 1,560.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 18/12/2020 SHARPE PRITCHARD 1302558 2,400.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 18/12/2020 WHITEHALL & INDUSTRY GROUP 1302572 5,200.00 Staff Development Costs
LU 04/12/2020 GOWLING WLG (UK) LLP 1302530 1,412.50 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 04/12/2020 GOWLING WLG (UK) LLP 1302518 1,281.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 11/12/2020 LEADERSHIP CENTRE 1302537 2,860.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 11/12/2020 LEADERSHIP CENTRE 1302538 7,200.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 18/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1302546 800.00 Publicity & Media
LU 18/12/2020 WESTMINSTER CITY COUNCIL (REFUNDS AND GRANTS ONLY) 1302554 314,710.38 Mortgage Interest
LU 04/12/2020 EVERSHEDS 1302504 3,991.50 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 11/12/2020 NLA Media Access Ltd 1302531 1,541.00 Books, Journals, Newspapers, Website Subscriptions
LU 18/12/2020 CCOMM 1302544 27,691.20 Audio Visual (Inc Workshops)
LU 18/12/2020 CCOMM 1302545 5,803.00 Audio Visual (Inc Workshops)
LU 18/12/2020 GOVERNMENT ACTUARY'S DEPARTMENT 1302552 2,235.60 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 04/12/2020 GOVERNMENT ACTUARY'S DEPARTMENT 1302503 5,930.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 18/12/2020 THOMSON REUTERS 1302570 6,061.55 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 22/12/2020 CONSEIL COMMUNES REGIONS EUROPE - (CCRE -CEMR) 1302591 3,639.60 Rent
LU 18/12/2020 REDQUADRANT 1302556 7,137.50 Staff Development Costs
LU 04/12/2020 WEBDIGI 1302516 3,940.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 18/12/2020 WATSON BLYTH LIMITED 1302561 975.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 04/12/2020 GRANICUS LLC 1302512 1,721.40 Shared Services Fees
LU 18/12/2020 CROWE U.K.LLP 1302553 800.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 04/12/2020 BOUYGUES E&S FM UK LTD 1302527 2,551.26 Repairs & Maintenance
LU 04/12/2020 BOUYGUES E&S FM UK LTD 1302526 34,307.24 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 11/12/2020 CAMBRIDGE PUBLISHERS LTD 1302533 10,413.00 Design Work - External
LU 11/12/2020 CAMBRIDGE PUBLISHERS LTD 1302534 3,400.00 Design Work - External
LU 04/12/2020 GRESTON ASSOCIATES LTD 1302514 1,812.50 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 04/12/2020 EDEN BROWN LTD 1302505 4,088.89 Recruitment Costs
LU 18/12/2020 EDEN BROWN LTD 1302559 1,065.05 Recruitment Costs
LU 18/12/2020 EDEN BROWN LTD 1302560 1,065.05 Recruitment Costs
LU 18/12/2020 EDEN BROWN LTD 1302550 1,110.70 Recruitment Costs
LU 18/12/2020 EDEN BROWN LTD 1302551 516.12 Recruitment Costs
LU 18/12/2020 EDEN BROWN LTD 1302548 1,065.05 Recruitment Costs
LU 18/12/2020 EDEN BROWN LTD 1302549 1,174.36 Recruitment Costs
LU 04/12/2020 FIRST ASCENT GROUP LTD 1302511 12,125.00 Staff Development Costs
LU 04/12/2020 FIRST ASCENT GROUP LTD 1302520 900.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 04/12/2020 CONNECT PUBLIC AFFAIRS LTD 1302521 1,500.00 Inward Consultancy - Fees
LU 04/12/2020 CONNECT PUBLIC AFFAIRS LTD 1302522 1,500.00 Inward Consultancy - Fees
LU 04/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1302517 1,875.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 04/12/2020 EMBRIDGE CONSULTING 1302519 4,624.70 Inward Consultancy - Fees
LU 18/12/2020 EMBRIDGE CONSULTING 1302579 4,993.85 Inward Consultancy - Fees
LU 11/12/2020 FACILITY PERFORMANCE CONSULTING LIMITED 1302541 731.04 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 11/12/2020 FLOWZ LIMITED 1302542 3,000.00 System Licenses
LU 04/12/2020 ACHIEVEMENT FOR ALL (3AS LTD) 1302506 4,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 18/12/2020 TOTAL CONFLICT MANAGEMENT LTD (TCM GROUP) 1302571 3,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 CREATIVE SOLUTIONS CSC LTD 1332487 1,200.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 CREATIVE SOLUTIONS CSC LTD 1332487 2,800.00 Project Delivery - Recharged Expenses
ID 16/12/2020 LONDON BOROUGH OF CAMDEN PENSION FUND 1332467 27,500.00 Additional Staff Related Payments
ID 11/12/2020 GERUMA LIMITED  1332399 4,480.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 LONDON BOROUGH OF NEWHAM 1332440 20,000.00 Grants & Awards
ID 11/12/2020 JHSC CONSULTANCY  LTD 1332401 2,240.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 MAKING CONNECTIONS (IOW) LIMITED 1332433 5,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 HELEN KENWARD CONSULTANCY 1332394 1,600.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 ALISON MICHALSKA CONSULTING 1332376 2,400.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 ALISON MICHALSKA CONSULTING 1332375 2,240.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332488 2,800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 PLACECUBE LIMITED 1332382 750.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332484 656.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332483 1,640.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 HEMPSALL CONSULTANCIES 1332466 800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332421 3,150.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 LOWN CONSULTANCY LTD  1332489 3,150.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332417 2,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 RETHINK PARTNERS LTD 1332373 22,750.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 TIM BURTON PLANNING LTD 1332368 4,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 DAVID LOCK ASSOCIATES LTD 1332474 5,161.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 ARCC HR LIMITED 1332455 16,900.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 ANDREW WEBB CONSULTING LTD 1332423 1,787.50 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 ANDREW WEBB CONSULTING LTD 1332416 4,480.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 PUTSHAM ASSOCIATES LTD 1332447 3,575.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 PUTSHAM ASSOCIATES LTD 1332492 1,100.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 RJH COMMUNICATIONS 1332384 975.00 Publicity & Media
ID 18/12/2020 ADAPT TO LEARN LIMITED 1332438 1,200.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 COMMERCIAL GOV LTD 1332458 1,200.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 COMMERCIAL GOV LTD 1332381 3,300.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 INSTITUTE FOR EMPLOYMENT STUDIES 1332393 650.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 INSTITUTE OF LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT 1332414 1,980.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 LONDON BOROUGH OF CROYDON(GRANT PAYMENTS) 1332463 100,000.00 Grants & Awards
ID 11/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332406 800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332360 1,200.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 ASSOCIATION OF DIRECTORS OF ADULTS SOCIAL SERVICES 1332389 60,000.00 Grants & Awards
ID 18/12/2020 PORISM LTD 1332444 3,227.72 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 PORISM LTD 1332445 42,564.50 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 PORISM LTD 1332446 35,330.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 BEACHCROFT LLP 1332396 1,430.00 Legal & Professional Fees
ID 18/12/2020 SANDWELL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL 1332441 20,000.00 Grants & Awards
ID 18/12/2020 SOCITM LTD 1332478 29,112.50 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 SOLACE 1332449 58,608.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 STOCKPORT METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL 1332481 20,000.00 Grants & Awards
ID 18/12/2020 BIP SOLUTIONS LTD 1332453 5,310.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL 1332392 25,000.00 Grants & Awards
ID 04/12/2020 WARWICK UNIVERSITY TRAINING LTD 1332363 5,253.86 Event Costs
ID 18/12/2020 WIRRAL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL 1332442 20,000.00 Grants & Awards
ID 18/12/2020 CITY OF WOLVERHAMPTON COUNCIL 1332443 20,000.00 Grants & Awards
ID 11/12/2020 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 1332398 750.00 Personnel Costs
ID 11/12/2020 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 1332398 750.00 Personnel Costs
ID 18/12/2020 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 1332485 26,792.03 Shared Services Additionals - Recodes
ID 04/12/2020 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 1332362 8,000.00 Corporate Subscriptions & Contributions
ID 04/12/2020 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 1332386 239,663.00 Shared Services Fees
ID 18/12/2020 CAMBRIDGESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL 1332475 20,000.00 Grants & Awards
ID 18/12/2020 CIPFA BUSINESS LIMITED 1332452 5,250.00 Sponsorship & Contributions
ID 18/12/2020 LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS 1332435 14,375.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 BURGESS CONSULTANCY  LIMITED 1332377 2,800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 BURGESS CONSULTANCY  LIMITED 1332378 2,800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL 1332476 20,000.00 Grants & Awards
ID 18/12/2020 SOCIAL CARE ENTERPRISES LTD 1332477 3,640.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 IBM UNITED KINGDOM LIMITED 1332486 3,674.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
ID 11/12/2020 WILLIAMSON CONSULTANCY AND TRAINING 1332424 2,800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 SHARED SERVICE ARCHITECTS 1332403 3,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 SHARED SERVICE ARCHITECTS 1332404 6,750.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 SHARED SERVICE ARCHITECTS 1332388 5,835.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332369 1,200.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 MARTIN REDDINGTON ASSOCIATES 1332383 29,850.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 EUGENIE LTD 1332437 2,800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 DAVID ARMIN CONSULTANCY LIMITED 1332465 3,600.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 FD ASSOCIATES 1332464 650.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 FD ASSOCIATES 1332462 1,950.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 FD ASSOCIATES 1332480 1,300.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 ISOS PARTNERSHIP 1332361 9,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 PLANR LTD 1332411 2,400.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 PLANR LTD 1332407 800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 PLANR LTD 1332412 800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 LINDA CLEGG CONSULTING LTD 1332379 3,360.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 ANN BAXTER LTD 1332374 1,680.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 ANN BAXTER LTD 1332371 1,680.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 REVA MANAGEMENT & CONSULTANCY 1332491 1,600.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332397 984.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 JULIE PARKER ASSOCIATES 1332430 1,815.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 WEBDIGI 1332391 1,220.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 LINDA WILLIAMS INDEPENDENT SAFEGUARDING CONSULTANT 1332490 2,800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 BELFIN MEDIA LIMITED 1332456 10,200.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 DWC CONSULTING SERVICES LIMITED 1332436 800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332429 656.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332454 656.00 Project Delivery - Recharged Expenses
ID 04/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332370 1,625.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 IDSALL LIMITED 1332460 2,400.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332400 2,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332419 656.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 SERVICE HUGHES 88 LIMITED 1332482 500.00 Conference Speakers Fees
ID 18/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332461 1,904.75 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332451 3,620.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 FULL POINT COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 1332422 2,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332473 1,100.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332380 1,650.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 CHRIS WEST CONSULTANCY SERVICES LTD 1332390 3,575.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 ALAN LOTINGA CARE & SAFEGUARDING LTD 1332366 1,650.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 HLS PUBLIC FINANCE CONSULTANCY LTD 1332425 6,462.50 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 AB DEVELOPMENT AND CONSULTANCY SOLUTIONS LTD 1332365 1,680.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 AB DEVELOPMENT AND CONSULTANCY SOLUTIONS LTD 1332364 1,400.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 TOWLER TINLIN ASSOCIATES LIMITED 1332434 2,100.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 EDEN BROWN LTD 1332385 2,044.58 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 EDEN BROWN LTD 1332479 3,024.65 Recruitment Costs
ID 18/12/2020 RH ACUITY 1332448 2,800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332415 666.67 Inward Consultancy - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 INTELLIGENT PLANS AND EXAMINATIONS (IPE) LTD 1332409 2,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 INTELLIGENT PLANS AND EXAMINATIONS (IPE) LTD 1332358 3,200.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332432 3,250.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 RHODES WHITE CONSULTANCY LIMITED 1332387 550.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 DARENACE LTD 1332418 3,712.50 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 04/12/2020 DAC PLANNING LIMITED 1332367 3,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 11/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332413 2,800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 MAD CAT MEDIA LTD 1332450 8,455.40 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 18/12/2020 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1332459 500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LP 11/12/2020 EDF ENERGY 1 LIMITED 1301515 7,812.18 Gas & Electricity
LP 18/12/2020 TOTAL GAS AND POWER 1301517 2,909.11 Gas & Electricity
LP 11/12/2020 GOWLING WLG (UK) LLP 1301511 2,467.50 Legal & Professional Fees
LP 04/12/2020 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 1301509 33,125.00 Shared Services Fees
LP 11/12/2020 CASTLE WATER LIMITED 1301513 2,074.94 Gas & Electricity
LP 11/12/2020 CASTLE WATER LIMITED 1301513 1,846.78 Gas & Electricity