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Supplier payments over £500 | August 2022

Supplier payments over £500 | August 2022
Company Pay date SuppID(T) TransNo  Amount  Account(T)
LU 25/08/2022 THE FINANCIAL INCLUSION CENTRE 1304914           4,925.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 19/08/2022 NCC SERVICES LTD 1304893           1,590.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 05/08/2022 BYHIRAS (EUROPE) LTD 1304828           8,500.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 19/08/2022 EDF ENERGY 1 LIMITED 1304899         20,642.27 Gas & Electricity
LU 05/08/2022 EMAP PUBLISHING LTD 1304839           1,049.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 05/08/2022 ALMA ECONOMICS LIMITED 1304804         12,400.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 05/08/2022 ACCESSIBLE DIGITAL DOCUMENTS COMPANY LTD 1304802              910.00 Publicity & Media
LU 05/08/2022 ACCESSIBLE DIGITAL DOCUMENTS COMPANY LTD 1304812              910.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 19/08/2022 TOTAL GAS AND POWER 1304886           3,572.59 Gas & Electricity
LU 25/08/2022 HOUSE OF COMMONS CATERING & RETAIL SERVICES 1304912              581.67 Hospitality (Entertain Non St)
LU 10/08/2022 HOUSE OF LORDS CATERING AND RETAIL SERVICES 1304754           3,750.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 11/08/2022 HOUSE OF LORDS CATERING AND RETAIL SERVICES 1304810           1,250.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 05/08/2022 INITIAL INCENTIVES LTD 1304822           1,950.00 Miscellaneous Conference Exp
LU 05/08/2022 IRON MOUNTAIN [UK] LTD 1304818           1,019.14 Postage
LU 19/08/2022 MARRIOTT CARDIFF HOTEL 1304903              595.50 Event Costs
LU 05/08/2022 PENSIONS AND LIFETIME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 1304840           2,650.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 12/08/2022 PITNEY BOWES LTD 1304845              513.00 Postage
LU 12/08/2022 PITNEY BOWES LTD 1304846              548.52 Postage
LU 05/08/2022 BARTLETT MITCHELL LTD 1304827         17,897.82 Internal Catering
LU 05/08/2022 BEVAN BRITTAN LLP 1304807           7,049.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 12/08/2022 BEVAN BRITTAN LLP 1304843           3,536.50 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 05/08/2022 BLUE CREATION LTD 1304821              800.00 Miscellaneous Conference Exp
LU 12/08/2022 BLUE SKY HOSTING LTD 1304848           1,800.00 Publicity & Media
LU 05/08/2022 WIRRAL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL 1304799         21,533.17 Additional Staff related payments
LU 05/08/2022 WIRRAL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL 1304801           2,141.66 Additional Staff related payments
LU 25/08/2022 WIRRAL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL 1304917           2,141.66 Additional Staff related payments
LU 25/08/2022 WIRRAL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL 1304913         22,930.57 Additional Staff related payments
LU 25/08/2022 BRINTEX 1304923         12,929.00 Event Costs
LU 05/08/2022 GOVERNMENT ACTUARY'S DEPARTMENT 1304829              624.72 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 05/08/2022 CONSEIL COMMUNES REGIONS EUROPE - (CCRE -CEMR) 1304773         14,111.15 Rent
LU 05/08/2022 PLOWMAN CRAVEN 1304820              575.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 05/08/2022 FINANCIAL DATA MANAGEMENT PLC 1304823           2,590.00 Printing  External
LU 05/08/2022 DIGITECH LONDON LTD T/A WEBDIGI 1304838           5,790.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 05/08/2022 PAUL CARROLL PHOTOGRAPHY 1304824           1,200.00 Miscellaneous Conference Exp
LU 12/08/2022 WATSON BLYTH LIMITED 1304879              650.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 19/08/2022 BOUYGUES E&S FM UK LTD 1304894         13,764.76 Repairs & Maintenance
LU 05/08/2022 BOUYGUES E&S FM UK LTD 1304814         35,058.11 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 19/08/2022 CAMBRIDGE PUBLISHERS LTD 1304888           3,615.00 Design Work - External
LU 19/08/2022 CAMBRIDGE PUBLISHERS LTD 1304898         12,432.79 Design Work - External
LU 25/08/2022 PELLACRAFT LTD 1304922              946.68 Stationery
LU 12/08/2022 EXCEL EXECUTIVE 1304842              795.78 Taxis
LU 05/08/2022 WPI ECONOMICS LTD 1304809           4,750.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 12/08/2022 SHOWCASEAVI 1304882           9,997.40 Publicity & Media
LU 25/08/2022 SHOWCASEAVI 1304915              874.30 Publicity & Media
LU 25/08/2022 SHOWCASEAVI 1304920              874.30 Audio Visual (Inc Workshops)
LU 05/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1304837           1,125.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 19/08/2022 EMBRIDGE CONSULTING 1304907           4,813.20 Inward Consultancy - Fees
LU 12/08/2022 CH & CO CATERING LTD 1304782              897.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 25/08/2022 ACCESS UK LTD 1304911           5,754.81 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 05/08/2022 NFS MEETINGS TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 1304819         10,740.00 Computer Costs & eServices
LU 05/08/2022 INCLUSIVE EMPLOYERS LIMITED 1304798           2,950.00 Staff Development Costs
LU 12/08/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304850         15,533.73 Gas & Electricity
LU 12/08/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304851         16,847.24 Gas & Electricity
LU 12/08/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304852              834.35 Gas & Electricity
LU 12/08/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304853              708.22 Gas & Electricity
LU 12/08/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304854              645.73 Gas & Electricity
LU 12/08/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304855              698.59 Gas & Electricity
LU 12/08/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304856           3,787.90 Gas & Electricity
LU 12/08/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304857           3,696.35 Gas & Electricity
LU 12/08/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304858           4,133.07 Gas & Electricity
LU 25/08/2022 MAHNE CREATIVE MEDIA LTD 1304916         14,150.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 12/08/2022 EVENT CONNECTIONS LIMITED 1304881           4,951.90 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 25/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1304925           2,500.00 Project Delivery - Recharged Expenses
LU 19/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1304900              600.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 05/08/2022 GENIUS WITHIN CIC 1304813              830.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 19/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1304901           1,670.00 Conference Speakers Fees
ID 12/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336837              750.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 LONDON BOROUGH OF NEWHAM 1336919           5,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 05/08/2022 JHSC CONSULTANCY  LTD  1336831           1,877.60 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 25/08/2022 C & I ASSOCIATES LIMITED 1336930           2,750.00 Peer - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 ALISON MICHALSKA CONSULTING LTD 1336820           2,935.69 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336870           1,002.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 ACCESSIBLE DIGITAL DOCUMENTS COMPANY LTD 1336894              910.00 Staff Development Costs
ID 12/08/2022 ARCC HR LIMITED 1336841           4,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 ANISTE SOLUTIONS LTD 1336795           1,050.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 KENT COUNTY COUNCIL 1336839         35,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 19/08/2022 LONDON BOROUGH OF HAVERING 1336917           5,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 05/08/2022 LONDON BOROUGH OF SUTTON 1336822           5,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 12/08/2022 ASSOCIATION OF DIRECTORS OF ADULTS SOCIAL SERVICES 1336860         75,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 12/08/2022 ASSOCIATION OF LIBERAL DEMOCRAT COUNCILLORS 1336879         10,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 PORISM LTD 1336788           3,880.52 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 PORISM LTD 1336924           4,212.44 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 ROYAL BOROUGH OF KINGSTON UPON THAMES 1336823           5,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 19/08/2022 SEVENOAKS DISTRICT COUNCIL 1336908              585.50 Peer - Expenses
ID 05/08/2022 SOCITM ADVISORY LIMITED 1336793           9,537.50 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 SOLACE 1336927           5,600.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 TAMESIDE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL 1336862         10,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 05/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336813           3,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 WARWICK UNIVERSITY TRAINING LTD 1336794           5,376.36 Event Costs
ID 05/08/2022 WARWICK UNIVERSITY TRAINING LTD 1336811           2,749.50 Event Costs
ID 25/08/2022 WARWICK UNIVERSITY TRAINING LTD 1336928         19,597.53 Event Costs
ID 12/08/2022 WIRRAL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL 1336868         34,638.57 Additional Staff Related Payments
ID 12/08/2022 WIRRAL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL 1336872         33,914.77 Additional Staff Related Payments
ID 05/08/2022 WIRRAL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL 1336789         34,836.58 Additional Staff Related Payments
ID 19/08/2022 LEEDS CITY COUNCIL 1336918           5,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 12/08/2022 LEADERSHIP CENTRE 1336844           2,550.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 LEADERSHIP CENTRE 1336848           2,550.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 1336867         78,315.52 Rent
ID 12/08/2022 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 1336874           2,732.49 Shared Services Additionals - Recodes
ID 05/08/2022 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 1336807         16,452.90 Shared Services Additionals - Recodes
ID 05/08/2022 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 1336807         12,594.53 Shared Services Additionals - Recodes
ID 12/08/2022 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 1336869         37,731.37 Rail Bus Tube - Staff Exps
ID 12/08/2022 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 1336866       346,723.83 Shared Services Fees
ID 05/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336786              820.00 Peer - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336787              656.00 Peer - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 BURGESS CONSULTANCY  LIMITED 1336808           2,800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 BURGESS CONSULTANCY  LIMITED 1336809           3,640.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 WHOLE SYSTEMS PARTNERSHIP 1336915           1,650.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL 1336861         10,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 12/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336880           3,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 TINDER CONSULTING LTD 1336875           3,600.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 TINDER CONSULTING LTD 1336875              783.98 Project Delivery - Recharged Expenses
ID 19/08/2022 MARTIN REDDINGTON ASSOCIATES 1336911           4,995.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 IMPACT CHANGE SOLUTIONS 1336802           1,653.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336827         50,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 EMERGENISIS LIMITED 1336863           2,760.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 LINDA CLEGG CONSULTING LTD 1336784           2,800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 DOVETAIL INTERACTIVE 1336830           3,150.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336829           1,002.00 Peer - Fees
ID 25/08/2022 WATSON BLYTH LIMITED 1336929           2,800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 HIGH FLIERS RESEARCH LTD 1336926           7,950.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336800           1,670.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 COLLINGHAM CONSULTING LTD 1336838           2,800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336792           1,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336859              668.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 FULL POINT COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 1336835           3,450.00 Publicity & Media
ID 12/08/2022 FULL POINT COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 1336836           3,450.00 Publicity & Media
ID 05/08/2022 RAHAT MAN CONSULTING LIMITED 1336832           4,725.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 RAHAT MAN CONSULTING LIMITED 1336779           1,299.15 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 CHRIS WEST CONSULTANCY SERVICES LTD 1336797           1,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 25/08/2022 CHRIS WEST CONSULTANCY SERVICES LTD 1336935              900.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 ALAN LOTINGA CARE & SAFEGUARDING LTD 1336776              550.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 ALAN LOTINGA CARE & SAFEGUARDING LTD 1336845           1,375.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 HLS PUBLIC FINANCE CONSULTANCY LTD 1336801           4,200.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 AB DEVELOPMENT AND CONSULTANCY SOLUTIONS LTD 1336782           1,680.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 AB DEVELOPMENT AND CONSULTANCY SOLUTIONS LTD 1336783           1,680.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 JO DAVIDSON MANAGEMENT LTD 1336852           2,240.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 FIRST ACTUARIAL 1336881           2,592.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 FIRST ACTUARIAL 1336851           1,737.50 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336884           1,476.00 Peer - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 WILMINGTON HEALTHCARE 1336806              932.50 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
ID 05/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336810           1,300.00 Peer - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336840           5,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 LONDON BOROUGH OF HARINGEY - GRANT PAYMENTS 1336821           5,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 19/08/2022 DIDOBI LIMITED 1336905           3,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 RACHEL DICKINSON LTD 1336876           2,260.29 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 RACHEL DICKINSON LTD 1336873           1,680.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 DIONACH LTD 1336896           6,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 DIONACH LTD 1336897           6,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336921              600.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336865              711.20 Peer - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 PHILIP SIMPKINS CONSULTING 1336847           4,031.90 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336812           1,050.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336815           1,816.70 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336864           1,300.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 UNPITCHD LTD 1336828         15,987.50 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336843           1,837.40 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336882           1,950.00 Peer - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 PUBLIC GROUP INTERNATIONAL LTD 1336892         33,700.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 PUBLIC GROUP INTERNATIONAL LTD 1336906         12,112.50 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 PUBLIC GROUP INTERNATIONAL LTD 1336907         24,225.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 FARRAGHER CONSULTANCY LTD 1336777              650.00 Conference Speakers Fees
ID 05/08/2022 FARRAGHER CONSULTANCY LTD 1336778           4,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 FARRAGHER CONSULTANCY LTD 1336805              650.00 Peer - Fees
ID 25/08/2022 THE ASSOCIATION FOR DECENTRALISED ENERGY 1336940           9,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 25/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336941           1,002.00 Peer - Fees
ID 25/08/2022 QUOD LIMITED 1336932         10,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 12/08/2022 NO5 CHAMBERS LIMITED COLLECTION 1336846           2,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336825              600.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 AVANTI TRANSFORMATION 1336796           2,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 05/08/2022 AVANTI TRANSFORMATION 1336796           1,113.00 Project Delivery - Recharged Expenses
ID 05/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336799           2,302.00 Peer - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 ROZENN SOLUTIONS 1336883           3,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336885           1,794.60 Conference Speakers Fees
ID 19/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336887              680.00 Conference Speakers Fees
ID 19/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336904           1,050.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336910           1,640.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 25/08/2022 BRECKLAND LODGE LTD 1336934           3,227.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 19/08/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336923              750.00 Project Delivery - Fees

Highlighted pages

Payments to suppliers