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CSE toolkit - Additional case study material: Tackling child sexual exploitation

View allChild exploitation articles

Case studies range from multi-agency approaches, regional initiatives, awareness raising campaigns and comprehensive service reviews.

We aim to keep this resource updated regularly, so if you have a local initiative or project that you would like to share with us then please get in touch via [email protected].

You will find a number of local case studies in our 2015 publication available here.


Our previous

Missing media item.

, published in 2013, features a range of older case studies focused primarily on awareness raising.

Case study associated documents

In this section you can find out more about some of the case studies featured in the LGA 2015 report: 'Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation'.

West Midlands

The West Midlands region worked together to establish regional standards and pathways in their approach to tackling CSE. They have shared a number of resources for other councils to learn from their approach available for download, including their regional procedures and pathways and risk assessment tool. 





If you would like any further details on the resources contact:

Rachel Farthing

Policy Officer – Preventing Violence against Vulnerable People

Birmingham City Council

[email protected]

Alternatively, more information is also available on the regional campaign website: The See Me Hear Me West Midlands campaign website, developed by Dudley MBC as part of the communications plan for the regional framework can be accessed at:

Greater Manchester

The Greater Manchester Phoenix Project has a campaign website with a range of resources for young people, parents, the community and professionals. There are also a range of downloadable resources, including the communications plan and information about working with schools.

For more information and to download a range of resources visit: It's not okay:


The Pan-London operating protocol used by the Metropolitan Police, in conjunction with London's 32 LSCBs, as featured in the 2015 LGA report can be found online:

Pan London Operating Protocol to Tackle CSE and related resources


The independent review of Stoke's CSE and missing children services, highlighted in the LGA tackling sexual exploitation report 2015 is available to download here.