Heart of Blyth is putting initiatives in place to explore different ways of addressing some of the specific challenges. These initiatives are part of a planned programme of activity informed by understanding the complex systems at play and the areas where action is needed.
System-wide change resulting from this action will inform future activities, both during the three-year SPHL programme and beyond. At the halfway point, the team have shared some of the learning so far.
People are Blyth’s most valuable asset
During the research stage, it was clear that Blyth’s greatest strength is its people. People are passionate about the town and value its assets. There was a desire to come together, celebrate Blyth and work towards a common goal. One key element of the project involves building on residents’ ideas that will help to improve the physical appearance of their area or strengthen community pride.
The Heart of Blyth coordinator is Ade Keogh. Working as a systems convener she has oversight of how all the ideas and initiatives can play a part in achieving the project goals. The coordinator’s role includes:
- bringing residents together to develop their ideas
- connecting residents and community groups/organisations that could work together to develop these ideas
- identifying sources of funding which could support these ideas to grow
- linking residents with other council departments that can help with their requests, such as the Northumberland Communities Together community support team, housing and planning.
Residents want to take ownership of community change
Heart of Blyth provides ‘microgrants’ of up to £3,000 to develop residents’ ideas which meet its overall aims. There was an open invitation for residents to join a new Heart of Blyth residents panel, which now has 15 members. This has helped to ensure a sense of community ownership of the project. Their role is to:
- provide their experience of living in Blyth to help shape the direction of the project
- assess microgrant applications and decide which ones will be awarded funding
- promote the project and the microgrants to the people of Blyth.
CVA Blyth Valley, a key stakeholder, helped to develop a training package for the residents’ panel members. An evaluation tool (supplied by the Design Council) is used at every meeting. Members have said they value having an impact, finding out about different groups and activities in the town, and discussing the ideas with applicants.
Practical support and encouragement is provided for microgrant applicants. If an application is rejected, the team helps them to source alternative funding or develop the idea differently. Feedback from grant holders is now being evaluated.
Ade Keogh said:
“The microgrants have been an amazing tool to get people involved. Because the decisions are made by residents, even if an application is rejected most applicants will reapply. The residents are in a process of learning – and we are learning from them as well.”
The project team is helping residents to influence wider factors in Blyth which will form an important part of the systemic change they are is seeking to achieve. For example:
- Working with the Forget-Me-Nots Residents Association, based in an estate near the town centre, the team has, liaised with the council’s housing team and other stakeholders to progress community ideas; and worked with the transport team to enhance the local cycle sharing scheme.
- The project team has worked with the Improving Croft and Cowpen Quay (ICCQ) Partnership, a group of statutory and voluntary organisations doing community work in the central Blyth area (12 streets that back onto the market square), to empower the community to take action and change things from the inside. There are now sub-groups on housing, ASB, retail crime, and drug and alcohol misuse.
- The project team has organising asset-based community development training for ICCQ Partnership member organisations with provider Nurture Developing.
People want to celebrate Blyth
Residents told the project team that they value opportunities to celebrate Blyth’s culture and heritage. Heart of Blyth has provided financial or practical support for events that bring people together.
This includes existing events such as Blyth Fest, an annual fortnight of cultural events organised by the Blyth Culture Network. In 2023 the event received a microgrant and logistical support. Heart of Blyth produced and distributed a leaflet highlighting the work done by all the participating organisations.
A microgrant was awarded to the organisers of Blyth Carnival, Leading Link, for supporting materials to enable schools and nurseries to take part. Heart of Blyth promoted the carnival and encouraged some community groups to take part for the first time. The team also attends or supports lots of smaller community events, including some funded by microgrants.
Empowering residents to share success stories
Heart of Blyth is working in partnership with Northumbria University to develop the ‘Our Stories of Blyth’ group. This is comprised of two parts:
- A shared documentation, evaluation and creative methods project to help organisations working to improve health and wellbeing in Blyth capture the impact of their work.
- A creative storytelling project, working with residents to document the changes that are happening in the town.
The storytelling project is empowering community members to share positive stories about the impact of arts and culture projects. Dr Ian Robson, Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work, Education and Community Wellbeing, worked with a small group of Blyth residents who are now documenting the work of local organisations. These stories will be shared to promote groups/activities, encourage others to join in, and celebrate creative activity of all types that can help make people’s lives better.