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Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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‘Energetic Lifestyles’: Engaging young people in the development and implementation of carbon reduction initiatives

The Energetic Lifestyles project explored young people’s perspectives, in establishing an improved understanding of the perceptions and barriers to energy efficient behaviours among young people and ethnically diverse communities.

Zero carbon Manchester

In our webinar ‘Climate change: what next for local authorities?’, Manchester City Council set out the communications work it is undertaking to help make Manchester a zero carbon city by 2038.

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Zero Carbon Communities Programme, South Cambridgeshire District Council

South Cambridgeshire District Council set up the Zero Carbon Communities (ZCC) Grant scheme to harness local action and enthusiasm, build local community networks and to enable this through a consistent and sustainable funding approach.

Worcestershire’s Decarbonisation Portal

Worcestershire County Council declared a climate emergency in July 2021. Under the council’s Sustainability Policy, the council has committed to not only reducing their own operational carbon footprint but also to support businesses and other Worcestershire organisations to improve their environmental performance too.

Worcestershire County Council: Potential conflicts between net zero and fuel poverty

The challenge to meet net zero ambitions relies on a shift towards electrically heated properties. A key issue is how to bring fuel poor households along on this journey to net zero without making heating their homes even less affordable for them.

Worcestershire County Council's Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme

In December 2020, Worcestershire County Council (WCC) successfully bid for £885,687 grant funding from the Government’s Salix Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) to fully fund several energy efficiency and renewable energy projects across WCC’s estate.

Wirral Council: Active Wirral Energy Efficiency Programme

In January 2023, Active Wirral, facing soaring energy costs and a commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030, initiated a comprehensive energy efficiency project. Through delivering a range of interventions, the project exceeded its targets, avoiding £231K in costs and saving 335 tonnes CO2e, equivalent to driving around the globe 10 times in an SUV.

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Winchester City Council: Community and parish climate engagement

Winchester City Council has been working with Winchester Action on Climate Change (WinACC) and the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) to support the development of climate action hubs across the Winchester district.

Wiltshire Pension Fund - engaging with our members on climate change risk

Wiltshire Pension Fund has set an investment belief: “We seek to invest in a way that, where possible, aligns the interests of the Fund with those of the contributing employers and the Fund membership”.

Wiltshire Council: The Salisbury River Park Project

The Salisbury River Park project is a collaborative project between Wiltshire Council and the Environment Agency, with support from both the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership (SWLEP) and Salisbury City Council to deliver essential flood alleviation and major environmental improvements through the central riverside spine of the historic city of Salisbury.